Jostled: to bump, push, or elbow a person rudely in a rough crowd. (verb)
The meaning of the word jostled was found at, it is used to describe being bumped or pushed in a disrespectful way. I first encountered this word while reading “The Ride” by JL Williams on September 23rd in paragraph 2 of the passage, the author used jostled after the words “bumped and”, so I figured that it had a connection with bumped, the author was describing a women entering the train with a baby carriage pushing and bumping other passengers on a crowed train. Than I went on to and searched up the real definition after I made a guess. gave me a clear meaning of this word, and I now know how to use this word in my vocabulary. I believe jostled is just a smarter way of saying push or elbowing a person, and I can now include it in my essays.
Nayideh Rene