
  Jostled: to bump, push, or elbow a person rudely in a rough crowd. (verb)

             The meaning of the word jostled was found at, it is used to describe being bumped or pushed in a disrespectful way. I first encountered this word while reading “The Ride” by JL Williams on September 23rd  in paragraph 2 of the passage, the author used jostled after the words “bumped and”, so I figured that it had a connection with bumped, the author was describing a women entering the train with a baby carriage pushing and bumping other passengers on a crowed train. Than I went on to and searched up the real definition after I made a guess. gave me a clear meaning of this word, and I now know how to use this word in my vocabulary. I believe jostled is just a smarter way of saying push or elbowing a person, and I can now include it in my essays.


Nayideh Rene




Achromatous:  Without color, or having little inadequate color. (adjective)

Word of the week is Achromatous, according to, Achromatous is a word used to describe something with no or a minimal amount of color. I encountered this word on September 11th, while reading a short story called, Brave We Are by Tahira Naqvi, I knew what every word meant in the reading until I came across achromatous in paragraph 13. I read the words that came before and after this word to see if I figure out what it meant before actually searching up the real definition. “when the tones on its canvas, and dark to melanchony” were the phrases that helped me figure out that achromatous might have something to do with describing color. I believed that the women in this story used this word to describe Connecticut’s environment color when the seasons changed. I than, searched up the real meaning, and I was correct. I know understood what achromatous meant, and I now know a new word that can be added to my conversations.

Nayideh R.


Aardvark: A nocturnal mammal that lives in Sub-Saharan Africa, which has a long snout,claws, and large ears. (noun)

This definition of an Aardvark was found in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the first time I encountered this word was August 30th during class, when reading Coming to An Awareness of Language Malcolm X, coming across paragraph 15, I realized that I’ve never seen the word aardvark a day in my life. Before continuing to read the sentence, the word aardvark made me think that it was a persons name due to it unique spelling.However the definition was right in front of me, Malcolm X described words that he came upon while reading the dictionary. Malcolm X described aardvark as a ” long-tailed, long-eared burrowing African mammal”. After reading that line, I now understood what Aardvark meant, I was able to visualize how this mammal actually looked like. I then compared the image I thought of to what I searched up on google, and I was close. If ever coming across this word again, I am glad to know what it means.