The word “surreptitious”

As we went over The Turbid Edd and Flow of Misery by Margaret Sanger,  an interesting world come across me and that was the word “surreptitious”. The world is seen when Sanger describes one of the situations she was in, “the utmost depression came over [her] as [she] approached this surreptitious region” and if we look closely we find that she is describing a part that could be unfamiliar to her (Sanger 2). Truly the world “surreptitious” means acting or doing something clandestinely, according to Merriam Webster dictionary. what the word means to me or how i comprehend it as is “stealthy” or “secret” in other words. With that finally cleared up i could understand that Margaret is telling us how secret this side of of society is to the rest of the world which make sInce during that time period.

The word “penmanship “

For this week I choose a particular world that is unusual  to be used to describe someone, the world “penmanship” form the reading Coming to an awareness of language by Malcolm X grab my attention and help me understand the text. In the reading Malcolm X mention that “[he] saw that the best thing [he] could do was get hold of a dictionary to study, to learn some words [and he] was lucky enough to reason also that [he] should try to improve [his] penmanship” (paragraph 11). Now the world “penmanship” means “the art of writing with the pen” according to Merriam Webster dictionary, with this source of information I fully understand the text, as simple as it sounds “penmanship” is just means handwriting which did confuse me at first since I never heard of it before. I now understand that Malcolm X wanted to improve he’s handwriting and I could say my penmanship needs some improvement as well.