
The word Seldom from is an adverb and it’s meaning is barely; rarely. In sixth paragraph of Margaret Sanger, “The Turbid Ebb and Flow of Misery” the word seldom was used in the line “They were of no certain avail to the wife because they placed the burden of responsibility solely upon the husband a burden which he seldom assumed “. Basically, meaning that the husbands never thought about carrying the burden of their wives.


According the Merriam – Webster dictionary oblivious is an adjective. The definition go as follows : to not acknowledge or given awareness. In the story ” The Ride ” the passengers were ignoring the woman who was making a scene during the train ride. In the fourth paragraph it stated “She wiggled into her seat, and was oblivious to the rest of us on the train” meaning they were ignoring her for her vulgar remarks towards the guy who asked if she can pardoned them.


In the Merriam-Webster, the word stratum is a plural and it means the level of a persons’ status especially with regard to education or culture . I saw this on page 2 and it quotes ‘”Below this stratum of society was one in truly desperate circumstances.” then it goes on saying that the men there was uneducated and that lead them to unemployment or jobs that isn’t similar to society that the author was living in. Basically the society that the author currently is spectating is unusual to her because everybody there is doing things that aren’t what she is used to seeing as everyday society to her.