
Base on the Merriam-Webster dictionary the word Pleaded (Verb) means to ask for in a serious and emotional way: BEG. While discussing in class about “The Turbid Ebb and flow of misery” on September 6, this word called my attention. We can find this word on page #108, which it states, “I folded her still hands across her breast, remembering how they had pleaded with me, begging so humbly for the knowledge which was her right.” This sentence shows how guilty she felt for not being able to help her and how desperate these women were in those days of not knowing what to do to help themselves.  


Based on the “Merriam-Webster” dictionary the world Broadened that is a verb means to make or become wider or general. On August 30 while I was reading “Coming To An Awareness Of Language Malcolm X” in class it was the first time I heard and saw this word. This word can be found on paragraph 17, which it states  “I suppose it was inevitable that as my word-base broadened, I could for the fist time pick up a book and read and now begin to understand what the book was saying.” After understanding the meaning of the word broadened I can say that the meaning of this sentence is that now he has more knowledge to understand what he was reading, and now his able to read things that he was not capable of reading.