
  • Broadened, Pleaded, Huddling, Suppressing, Turmoil,
  •  Dysphoria, ,Candidly, Alienation, Stoic, Gibberish, Interludes

Through the semester I think the glossary assignment was a great technique to improve my reading and to understand more the articles, also learning words I didn’t know their meanings. By doing these glossary assignments it was a helpful way to write my essays, not only in the writing part but also, in the point it came to explain myself for the quotations. However, as a classmate it made us see each other point of view and different opinion based on our readings. The experience of working in groups was a great experience and a special moment because it made us more comfortable with each other and to know us more, talk about our ideas, how to organize as a group to do our part of the project. This project made us get the best out of our understanding and what we have learned through the semester.



Based on the Merriam-Webster the word Interludes (noun) means a usually short simple play or dramatic entertainment. On page #279 in “Sweat”, it state that, ” Delia and Sykes fought all the time now with no peaceful interludes” based on this quote we can said that in their marriage there were always fights. Delia was used to live in this environment of drama and this is why we can say that she got to her limit with him and let him die, she was tired of his abusive character towards her.


Based on the Merriam-Webster the word “Gibberish” (noun) means foolish, confused, or meaningless words. On page #278 in “sweat”, it state that, “great dull blows upon the wood floor punctuating the gibberish of sound long after the rattle of the snake had abruptly subside.” Based on the class discussion and this quote we can said that what goes around comes back around or we can said that karma does really exist because he was trying to kill her and he end up killing himself. Sometimes us humans do not realize that when we harm other human beings we are returned the same or worse way.


The Merriam Webster’s defined stoic (adjective) means showing no emotion especially when something bad is happening. In today class we discusses on how male should have the same right as women have. In “What Feminists Can Do for Boys” it state that, “Feminist ideas can help men — be it the rejection of expectations that men be strong and stoic or ending the silence around male victims of sexual violence. But boys also need the same kind of culture we created for girls.” This quote shows that men have a lot of pride; they think that society will see them less man if women help them. 


Based on the Merriam Webster’s dictionary the word alienation (noun) means a separation of a person or a person’s affections from an object or position of former attachment. While reading “Teaching Men to Be Emotionally Honest”, it state that, “The shame over feeling any sadness, despair or strong emotion other than anger, let alone expressing it and the resulting alienation. Many young men, just like this student, compose artful, convincing masks, but deep down they aren’t who they pretend to be.” This quote means that boys are growing up in a society that real men don’t show feelings. Boys know what emotions is because every human being are born with that naturally but, they trying so hard not to show emotions that they are losing them self in a word of judging.


According to the Merriam Webster’s dictionary, the word candidly (adjective) means expressing opinions and feelings in an honest and sincere way. We can find this word in “Allowing teenage boys to love their friends”, in paragraph #9, it state, “Boys in early adolescence would speak candidly about those friendships to Dr. Way and her researchers, acknowledging the importance of having a best friend who was both repository and guard for their most private feelings”. According to this sentence it trying to tell us that boys are also allows to have friends to talk about their problems and their feelings like girls do. Also, boys are allow to have feelings for their friend and showed to them that their care so they can have that support whenever they feel down.


Based on the Merriam-Webster the word “Dysphoria” (noun) means a state of feeling very unhappy, uneasy, or dissatisfied. In “Today’s Masculinity is stifling”, it states, “Too often gender dysphoria is conflated with the simple possibility that kids, when not steered toward one toy or color, will just like what they like, traditional gender expectations not with standing.” This quote means that parents can’t choose for their kid meaning that they have to let them being free in a way that they choose what they want to be, how they want to dress, so they can feel comfortable. Also, this qoute shows that parents have a big influence on boys masculinity.

Turmoil (noun)

Turmoil is a very confused or disturbed state or condition, based on the Merriam-Webster. On “If Black men want to heal racism wounds, we can’t pretend to be strong all the time”, it states on pg#99, Generations of black boys and men are walking around with turmoil swelling inside them, ready to explode at any minute.” This word is the definition on how men are trapping all this feeling until the last minutes to show of all this anger, pain and sadness that they kept for so long  that are now showing in a violence way. 



Based on the Merriam-Webster Suppressing (Verb) means to put down by authority or force. while reading in class about “A Master’s Degree in Masculinity” the suppressing word called my attention because now that I know that meaning it represent the article in way that men have the pressure of society to act tough, show no emotions and most important to never cry. On  “A Master’s Degree in Masculinity” it states, “It means suppressing any kind of weakness.” this quote shows that in the society that we live today men are not suppose to be weak because they are man but, women are suppose to be weak, because we grew up with that image that our parents taught us about what a real man is and how they are suppose to act.


Based on the Merriam-Webster dictionary the word Huddling (noun) means a group of people or things that are close to each other. while reading in class about “The Ride” by JL Williams this word I did not understand what it means. We can find this word on page#409, which it states, “However, the man seemed determined to make us all as uncomfortable as possible, and no amount of huddling together was going to stop him.” This quote represent the reality of how we live this almost everyday that we take the train. Some people just like to bother others because they have nothing more to do.