
Dangling: to hang loosely (adjective)

This is the meaning of the word dangling according to Merriam Webster dictionary. I saw this word when I was reading Brave We Are on Wednesday September 12th, 2018. The sentence was on page 362 of the pdf I was reading. The sentence said “The idea has proved ticklish, he smiles, crumbs from the Stella Doro dangling on the sides of his face.” I understood what this word meant because he was eating cookies which the face is prone to getting crumbs on while eating. The crumbs were on the side of his face and mouth hanging there which could easily fall down from there when chewing or talking.


Chronic: long lasting, occuring again and again for a long time (adjective)

This is the meaning of the word chronic according to Merriam Webster dictionary. I saw this word when I was reading “The Turbid Ebb and Flow” on September 5th, 2018. The sentence was on page 88 on the pdf I was reading. The sentence said “Pregnancy was a chronic condition among the women of this class” I understood what this word meant based on what was said in the prior paragraph “Little girls were accustomed to dressing and undressing in front of men, and were often violated before reaching the age of puberty” This is showing that they became pregnant and couldn’t control their circumstances and why pregnancy kept on happening. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjSwtjMs6_dAhXQ31QKHfMsCOgQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.combat-aging.com%2Fchronic-disease.html&psig=AOvVaw2ZGafpCWaPdF32zevHfx1z&ust=1536633334783875


Inevitable: unable to be avoided, bound to happen (noun, adjective)

This is the meaning of the word “Ineviteble” according to merriam webster’s dictionary. I heard of this word on Thursday, August 30th, 2018 in my English class in the Malcom X story they were reading there. It was used in the 17th paragraph as “I suppose it was inevitable that as my word-base broadened, I could for the first time pick up a book and read and now begin to understand what the book was saying.” I understand what this word means based on the context of how it was used in the story. In the paragraph prior to this sentence with inevitable, the sentences before said “It went a lot faster after so much practice helped me to pick up handwriting speed. Between what I wrote in my tablet, and writing letters, during the rest of my time in prison I would guess I wrote a million words” After reading those sentences, it was bound to happen that his vocabulary would expand. Inevitable being used like that made me understand the meaning of the word.  https://www.azquotes.com/quote/755859