Wiggled ( Verb)

The definition of wiggled according to Merriam Webster is “to move to and fro with quick jerky pr shaking motions”. The word wiggled I found in the reading, “The Ride” by JL William’s when William was talking about the lady in the train. He was talking about her looks, moves and her body shape. He used the word wiggled to describe her estimated weight and when she moves that “amazed” the author William.

Embellish (Verb)

According to “Merriam-Webster”, the meaning of embellish is ” To heighten the attractiveness of by adding decorative or fanciful details”. In the reading, “Brave We Are” by Tahira Naqvi I found the word embellish that was used by the mother of Kasim. She used this word when she was talking about the food that she can cook before she got married. After her marriage she started embellishing the food for her husband and “innovate” them.

Hustling (verb)

The word hustling was the first word that I found in the reading “Coming to an Awareness of Language Malcolm X” on the first paragraph that I realized that I don’t know the meaning of it. But later I found the definition of hustling on the same page before that paragraph. There were a lot of vocabulary words and it states that “If any of the following words from the selection are unfamiliar to you, study their meaning before reading “. The definition of hustling is “slang for making money by doing something illegal “. After knowing the definition of hustling I started understating the reading “Coming to an Awareness of Language Malcolm X” that Malcolm X went to jail for doing something illegal.