
  1. incendiary
  2. sieve
  3. disdain
  4. impugn
  5. emulate
  6. chauvinism
  7. denigrate
  8. misogyny
  9. mirth
  10. gallantry
  11. acquiescence
  12. scimitars

These glossary entries helped expand my vocabulary. It also made “context clues” a little more obvious for some reason. In the past I just read through passages, but in this class I learned to reread things thoroughly which gave away some of the words I did not understand. When I searched the definition online it helps because if it has more than one meaning I was able to discern which definition applied to the context it was in. These assignments also helped me find my dictionary, which was useful in the last few entries. As I read other classmates entries, this helps me understand their way of thinking. This way I can see thing from their perspective. So, not only did I expand my understanding of things, I too expanded my point of views. This can help me in the future to keep an open mind of new understandings. Learning one word can help to understand the whole entire passage. For example, one passage I read talked all about “misogyny” and after I looked it up (even though I kind of had an idea about what it meant) helped me to really see what was trying to be said. These assignments motivate me to continue to investigate new words that I might not understand. Overall, the glossary entries were a big help in my education. I am sure it will be useful for me in future assignments in school.

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