Glossary Reflection

  1. Emulate                5. Dystonia(n)     9. Deliberately
  2. Invariably             6. Proficient       10. Aggravating
  3. Indecipherable    7. Denigrated     11. Inquired
  4. Paternity              8. Diligence        12. Truculently

Over the past three months, I was given the assignment to define at least one word, in each of the readings I did. It was a way for me to improve my vocabulary and understand what the author was trying to say. It was especially interesting looking back at what my classmates posted, knowing that they were unsure what a word meant and posted what they learned to. By doing this, I was able to expand my vocabulary and use some of these words in my writing. What ever my classmates wrote about, I made sure to read their posts in case I may have missed anything or was confused. I was also able to think deeper about what I was reading thanks to the new words I learned about. I got to read about other students point of views and how a reading can be interpreted in many ways. This in tern, helped me and my classmates learn from one another and if we were ever stuck,  we would help out one another. This was a good way to look back at the things we learned and our progress over the semester.

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