
  • Broadened, Pleaded, Huddling, Suppressing, Turmoil,
  •  Dysphoria, ,Candidly, Alienation, Stoic, Gibberish, Interludes

Through the semester I think the glossary assignment was a great technique to improve my reading and to understand more the articles, also learning words I didn’t know their meanings. By doing these glossary assignments it was a helpful way to write my essays, not only in the writing part but also, in the point it came to explain myself for the quotations. However, as a classmate it made us see each other point of view and different opinion based on our readings. The experience of working in groups was a great experience and a special moment because it made us more comfortable with each other and to know us more, talk about our ideas, how to organize as a group to do our part of the project. This project made us get the best out of our understanding and what we have learned through the semester.


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