
The word incisively is an adverb and according to Merriam-Webster means impressively direct and decisive (as in manner or presentation). This word can be found in ā€œA jury of her peersā€ by Susan Glaspell. In the text it says, ā€œ ā€˜No, Peters, ā€˜ said the county attorney incisively; ā€˜itā€™s all perfectly clear, except the reason for doing it….ā€™ā€ This shows that while Mrs. Hale was trying to tell the county attorney that a jury wouldĀ believe that Mrs. Wright killed her own husband even if they donā€™t know the reason why. The county attorney in this section is trying to clear and percise that itā€™s obvious this was murder even though they canā€™t see the reason behind it. Using this word will help prove my points in writing because itā€™ll make me sound sophisticated.

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