
tur•moil (noun)

Turmoil means a state or condition of extreme confusion, agitation, or commotion according to Merriam-Webester Dictionary. In the text “If Black Men Want To Heal Racism’s Wounds, We Can’t Pretend To Be Strong All The Time” by Mychal Denzel Smith, on page 99 it states, “ Generations of black boys and men are walking around with turmoil swelling inside of them, ready to explode any minute.” Knowing the definition of the word, it helps me better understand that the author is saying that black boys are filled with confusion and are agitated inside of them that is ready to explode and come out for others to see at any moment. Which means they walk around with emotions and thoughts that nobody has heard of and will be heard and seen once they let them out from bottling them up for so long.

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