
Aardvark: A nocturnal mammal that lives in Sub-Saharan Africa, which has a long snout,claws, and large ears. (noun)

This definition of an Aardvark was found in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the first time I encountered this word was August 30th during class, when reading Coming to An Awareness of Language Malcolm X, coming across paragraph 15, I realized that I’ve never seen the word aardvark a day in my life. Before continuing to read the sentence, the word aardvark made me think that it was a persons name due to it unique spelling.However the definition was right in front of me, Malcolm X described words that he came upon while reading the dictionary. Malcolm X described aardvark as a ” long-tailed, long-eared burrowing African mammal”. After reading that line, I now understood what Aardvark meant, I was able to visualize how this mammal actually looked like. I then compared the image I thought of to what I searched up on google, and I was close. If ever coming across this word again, I am glad to know what it means.

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