Welcome to the Spring Semester! Take a look at the January newsletter for important reminders and upcoming dates to mark in your calendar.
Welcome to the Spring Semester! Take a look at the January newsletter for important reminders and upcoming dates to mark in your calendar.
The November Newsletter is hot off the presses! Click here to read about continuing work with the UVIs, an exciting partnership with the Career Development Center, and upcoming events.
Hi everyone! We recently hosted a workshop, facilitated by Jackie Blain, on the Reflective Annotated Bibliography that defines Unit 2 in the model courses. If you weren’t able to attend, or would like to review the slides and resources, the PowerPoint file is available here. As always, send any questions to us at firstyearwriting@citytech.cuny.edu!
Welcome back to Fall 2023!
Our Fall FYW Newsletter for 2023 is here! Click the link to find info on:
Please read it!
Click here to read our first newsletter. Contents:
Hello all, we recently had a workshop on final portfolios. If you couldn’t make it, here are some resources!
Here is the link to the Zoom on final portfolios:
Passcode: 6c.BMTx1
Other Resources:
Hello all! In September, we had a workshop on Teaching the RAB. Here are the recordings and links to the slideshows. Unfortunately, I forgot to record the first half, so I’ve recreated it for you here:
Part One (Helping students come up with a topic)
Part Two (Helping students write a source entry/ Q and A). Passcode: z?aYUT51
Hi everyone! Welcome to the end of one of the most trying semesters in our teaching careers.
I wanted to give you a few resources to discuss the end-of-term portfolio, if you have decided to go that route. First of all, HERE is a slideshow about the portfolio which you may want to show your students if you find it helpful. Much of it is adapted from Portfolio Keeping: A Guide for Students by Nedra Reynolds. Here is a useful quote:
You may recognize the term portfolio from art or finance: Artists keep samples of their best works in a portable case or folder, pieces that represent their interests, their potential, or their development. They show their portfolios to instructors, gallery owners, their peers or potential employers. In finance, a portfolio is a record of investments that is reviewed periodically and updated as needed. Professionals in many other fields also compile portfolios, records of their accomplishments, that they can use to apply for a promotion or a new job.
A portfolio, in other words, is a meaningful collection of selected artifacts or documents, collected over time. Portfolios have become a common method of evaluating and assessing student work in writing classes because they provide a more thorough and authentic picture of a writer’s developing skills.
Looking at a portfolio as a whole piece of work helps students see their growth and work throughout the semester– and framing it as Reynolds has helps students see it as something that will be useful to them in their ongoing academic and out-of-school lives. The slideshow gets into the nuts-and-bolts of how a student might compose one!
Note: in this slideshow, I refer to another slideshow on revision, which can be found HERE.
Reynolds, Nedra, and Elizabeth Davis. Portfolio Keeping: A Guide for Students. Bedford St. Martins, 2014.
Break Out rooms can be both a blessing and a curse if you have a class full of first year students that only look like black boxes. What Break Out rooms can’t be, however, is a faithful replica of the kind of group work we’re used to in the f2f world. The simple truth is that students aren’t any more likely to turn on their cameras in Break Out rooms than they are in the main room. They are, however, more likely to use their mics and collaborate with each other…IF they’re given tasks to perform. And that’s the big IF – just saying “go talk to each other” really doesn’t work.
About lurking… yes. Do it. It’s annoying maybe to keep clicking buttons, but at heart, it’s just the same as wandering from group to group in a f2f room. You don’t have to engage with them; I found that if they’re working (mics on, mics off, stuff being added to the Google Doc), it’s best just to let them go. And that’s true even if they’re just talking about games or politics or the weather – it creates a sense of community, and is a sneaky way of creating an inquiry community when they’re not looking.
If there’s absolutely no activity on the Doc or in the BO Room, then I start asking questions and just waiting them out until they start using the Chat or somebody turns on their mic. It takes patience, but it works!
Another important tip: I’ve found it works better if each student has contributes in the same way, and not using the usual “reporter, evaluator” method since students get annoyed about perceived inequities.
Here’s a specific assignment that has worked well for me:
Google Doc collaboration:
Here are some other things you can do with Break Out rooms:
One word of warning: using Break Out rooms all the time is just as counter-productive as never using them at all. We would never do the same thing in class everyday in the f2f world for that very reason – they can get bored, and boredom leads to disengagement.
Hi everyone, click the slide above for Dr. Alatriste’s full presentation on avoiding cultural assumptions in teaching!
Lubie G. Alatriste
Professor of English & Applied Linguistics
Latest Book with University of Michigan Press
Academic ESOL Program Director, ESOL Writing Lab DIrector
UFS Academic Affairs Committee ChairExecutive Committee Member, UFS
Committee on Academic Policies, Programs and Research (Faculty Member)
ESL DC Co-chair
NYS TESOL Journal, Editor-in-Chief
NYC College of Technology, CUNY
Department of English, Namm 503,300 Jay Street, NY 11201; Tel: 718-260-5208