Aircraft TechnicianGrowing up loving to disassemble and reassemble things shaped what I would do in my future. I had a passion for understanding the inner workings of mechanisms. Coming from a family of architects and engineers, I gained the abilities of problem solving and utilizing the resources that were available to me.

So I attended Aviation High School in Long Island City to learn several types of trades and exit with an FAA license. Those trades included welding, riveting, soldering, and other valuable skills which would come in handy  in my future job. After high school I started attending New York City College of Technology in hopes to become an engineer. After a year of searching for a job in the licensed field, I was hired by American Eagle Airlines as an aircraft technician. I expanded my knowledge and skills in the field while doing the same with my engineering classes in college.

These two sources of experience and knowledge enlightened me to one day expand into a hybrid career field of the space exploration industry. Since starting out I have come a long way. I have moved on to a better job and I am slowly getting closer to achieving a bachelors degree. My hopes are to learn all I can from both places and make myself a well rounded individual.

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