About me

Hola! Iā€™m Fredelin Perez.

This is MY STORY.

Poet Carl Sandburg once said ā€œNearly all the best things that come to me life have been unexpected, unplanned by meā€ he couldnā€™t have said it best. I feel like this all the time when I remember my 8th grade class in Joseph Wade Middle School in Bronx, New York. Why was 8th grade so memorable for me you may ask? Well, it was because that year I had my first encounter with design and actually using my imagination to create something appealing. During that year Iā€™ve became part of an after school program in my school which provided their students with different activities to engage on, one of them was a scrapbooking. In this class we were able to create wonderful customized pages for every photo we owned and wanted to include in our scrapbook. I worked on my scrapbook for almost that entire year of school, I made beautiful memories and till this day I still have my scrapbook. I expected never for a scrapbooking class to start my love for art and design.

Iā€™m currently a sophomore at NYCCT Majoring in Advertisement Design. When I became a student at city tech I wasnā€™t an Advertisement Design student in fact I was part of an entirely different major I was a Hospitality Management student, I only lasted a semester. I had to search within myself to reference on what I wanted to do for the next four years of my life. In my search for a new major I stumbled upon the Advertisement department of the school and decided to give it a chance. I really didnā€™t know what to expect in my first semester as an Advertisement Design student because of my lack of experience in design. My first semester I learn about colors in my Graphic Principals 1 course, Photoshop and Illustrator in Raster and Vector and Indesign in Publication Media, I am not and expert in these programs but I can work around them. Iā€™m still I work in progress and I always have room left for learning new things about the Advertisement Industries. For inspiration for my own design assignments I always pay close attention to my soundings and for knowledge about the Graphic communication arts I enjoy reading magazines such as Communication Arts and gamail.com, for information about work that other designers are doing in the industry. I seriously never thought that I would end up doing what Iā€™m doing right now an actually Enjoy it, Like Sandburg said the unexpected can turn into the best thing in your life like Design has done to me.