OpenLab Note

There is a homework post below this one. Please do not miss your homework assignment.

I am going to group your OpenLab comment/response grades into two sections: Before midterm and after midterm. This is for two reasons.

The first is so that you can miss an OpenLab comment or response and it not count against you for the “you must complete every assignment to pass this class” rule. Your grade will be lower, of course, if you are commenting or responding late or missing comments and responses, but as long as you engage in an assignment during the grading period, you will not have a zero.

The second reason is that if you missed earlier assignments, you may be able to give multiple responses on current assignments in order to raise your grade on previous assignments. You cannot get points for going back and replying on old posts. Once I have responded to the posts on a board, you are free to continue a discussion, but I no longer monitor that board for grades.

Additionally, many of you are not commenting by the deadline or not responding to classmates. This severely affects your score and could bring you below the C average you need to take the CATW this semester.

Let me know if you have any questions about this.

There is a homework post below this one. Please do not miss your homework assignment.

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