Reminder: 9/15/11 Assignment

As a reminder, here was the assignment for our online class today:

1. Use They Say/I say templates to write two substantive comments on the blog posts of other students. Try to stimulate dialogue and discourse. Include links where appropriate.

Good blog comments:
ā€“ Let the author know what you appreciated about the post and what you didnā€™t like
ā€“ Notify the author about missing information
ā€“Ask questions
ā€“ Disagree with something the author wrote and explain why you disagree

Remember to use They Say/I Say templates!

2. Take the SAFA survey if you havenā€™t already done so (link in discussion forum)

3. Reading for Thursday (online class):

  • Jorge Luis Borges, ā€œThe Library of Babelā€ and ā€œFunes, The Memoriusā€ (PDFs posted under the ā€œReadingsā€ tab. Email Prof. Gold if youā€™ve forgotten the password.
  • They Say/I Say pp. 30-67

4. Participate in our discussion forum on Borgesā€™s story with at least two substantive comments. Remember that participation constitutes attendance for online classes.

Note: You now have through Sunday evening to do this.

Please be sure to complete all parts of the assignment.

I will post the assignment for Tuesday soon.

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