Week 13: Examining The Document You Will Edit

Next: Go into Blackboard and complete activities for Week 13.

Part ONE: This week, you will also work with your group members on your final editing project.  For this assignment, you will exchange a document with a group member.  Along with the document, you will write a brief explanation to the editor that clarifies the purpose and readers of the document and any particular editing needs that he/she has identified. This will be discussed in Week 13 Discussion Board.  Your explanation and your sharing of the document along with a discussion with a peer will be the basis of your grade for this discussion board.

Part TWO: Submit a memo addressing the following information based on the document you will edit: 

  • Analysis and Evaluation: How well does the document achieve its goals in the current form?  Does it meet the needs or purposes of the readers?  For example, if it is an instructional manual, does it currently help or hinder the reader from performing the task?  Discuss the problems you propose to solve.
  • Objectives and Deliverables: The objectives of editing grow out of your analysis.  When you understand what the document needs are and its purpose, you can decide what your objective may be.  For instance, maybe you have noticed that the language is too harsh.  If so, you may decide that you will edit for style and content to remedy this.  The deliverables are the products you will offer the client.  You have to provide a digital copy, but will it be a copy that can be updated?  Will you also print pages that can be reproduced?
  • Schedule: What will you do to accomplish the objectives and when will you do it?  Categories of tasks include editing of the text.  For example, when/what days will you perform editing for style?  Or for content?  Or for illustrations?  You also need to schedule meetings with the client to keep them updated on your progress.  When will these take place? A preliminary meeting is useful to establish a shared understanding of what needs to be done.  A midpoint meeting can be included as a milestone.  And you must meet at the end of the editing to discuss the editing.  Make a schedule.