Mid-Reflection: Spring 2016

What are your goals that you would like to accomplish by the end of the semester? How can we help each other to reach that goal?

My goal by the end of the semester is achieve all A’s in my classes. This semester, I am only taking 4 classes that are major based and all of my midterm grades were A’s! I hope to keep this up for the rest of the semester while still accomplishing projects at work and personal. I am glad that we are always encouraging each other as a team here at Faculty Commons because some of our classes are stressful. We can get through them by asking each other for our opinion and thoughts on projects that we are working on. Whether its for work, school, or personal. This is a task I would like to do more often because it is super helpful towards our success in our semester here at City Tech.

Can’t wait to read everyone’s post!

FC Reflections Fall 2015

Project Management

This Semester I had the privilege to work Prof. Ferrell and the African American Studies department. I had the chance of a life time, which was to redesign the departments look. I am pretty sure almost any designer would have wanted that same chance. I am glad Prof. Jordan chose me and in doing so I would leave my mark, and have something outstanding to add to my portfolio. I honestly got to design a few posters for some important events. One of them was the poster for the the Black Solidarity event in the school, that design was absolutely outstanding. It felt great to design something with a hip hop theme in it, as I am a hip hop music fan. Even though I had successful project designs, the challenge of other prior responsibilities was still present all throughout the semester.

Design Skills/Techniques

This semester I found myself going back and forth using the adobe applications. For some of the projects I used Photoshop then switched to Indesign or Illustrator. For example the list of courses for the AFR department, which was completely redesigned. I went from using photoshop in the icon images then I used Illustrator to vectorize and improv the image quality when taking it to print, the from there I used Indesign for the whole layout of the project. My skills keep on improving especially in Indesign. Compared to when I first stated the internship I am significantly better and much more comfortable.

Work Relationships

I have been in Faculty Commons for a few semesters now, and since the beginning everyone is more than helpful. We are not only part of the FC design team, but I see that we are a FC design family. I would sometimes need some help and my co-workers are always there. I am designing something my the design team is always there to give me advice and valuable criticism. I also needed help to film for my senior project and they were there for me. I don’t think I ever had that kind of help and feedback from another place I have worked, that might be because Faculty Commons isn’t any other place, it is the place to be.

Training: Day 4

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

What did I learn?

I got a lot done in training day. Today, I actually earned a few things about Adobe Illustrator and InDesign that I never new before. Today I officially completed my business card and made it ready to print. In addition, I completed a few banner updating and adjustments for Blackboard, Openlab, and iTec.

What were my challenges?

Today, I didn’t face a lot of challenges, rather than asking questions. When I was updating the banners for Fall 2015, I noticed that the dates on the banners didn’t match with the dates for the fall academic calendar. I had to double check and match them so that the information is correct and I’m not misleading anybody.

How did you help each other? 

I received a lot of feedback from Mandy and Raciel today. And I’m also glad to say that I received a review from Professor. Jordan. With her critique and thoughts on my Openlab Header designs, I was able to narrow my work down even more and create new idea. I’m very inspired by the team here at Faculty Commons.