Training: Day One

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Today was my first day training at Faculty Commons. Once I came in and got comfortable, I was told to make a poster replication. The poster was for the iTec program at City Tech. I think I did a pretty good job replicating the poster and making sure all the images were exactly in place. I will admit, though, that despite my “type-nerd” character, it took me some time to find the typeface that was used for the poster. After reproducing the poster, I emailed my client (The iTec Director) my information and available hours so that we can schedule a meeting soon to discuss important information. I also got started on tomorrow’s assignment and started designing a new header for the Faculty Commons Openlab site, which is still a working progress.

Original Poster

Original Poster

Poster Replica

Poster Replica

So far, my first day training at Faculty Commons went fairly well, and I’m looking forward to fun work, and more challenges.

One thought on “Training: Day One

  1. Dear Loubna,

    Thank you for your good work today and for sharing your reflection on Day 1 of training. Mandy, Raciel, and I are looking forward to the good work, fresh perspectives, and new energy that you and William will contribute to Faculty Commons during the training process.

    See you tomorrow.
    Professor Jordan

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