Project II Group B

Group B Members: Sapphire, Natasha, Margarita, and Sandra Patricia

18 thoughts on “Project II Group B

  1. Natasha

    Alright everyone, showtime is today. This is the overview of all we discussed throughout the week.

    Senario: College student stressing out, studying during finals week.

    For STEADICAM shots:
    Round the corner:
    We shoot from inside the elevator with a profile shot to a backview of the actor. The camera operator follows the actor as they exit the elevator and incorporates “round the corner” with the elevator doors.

    Missionary–> Don Juan:
    We cut to a frontal view of the actor. Most likely a medium shot or a cowboy shot. Actor goes into the library.

    Jump cut to actor going up the stairs in the library.

    Walk Along Shot:
    We will use the book shelf rows as the object that get in the way of the view of the actor. The actor and cam. Operator will be on opposite sides of the rows. Cam. Op. Follows actor. At the last row, the actor walks toward the camera and sits down on the table.
    When the actor sits down, that’s when we incorporate the panning down.

    Somewhere we need to incorporate the actor taking some books off the shelves.

    Panoramic Shot:
    The actor is freaking out with textbooks all around them. The camera is filming all around the table.

    Motion Blur Shot: w/ tripod
    Actor still freaking out. We take an ECU shot, and lower the ISO.

    Actor Walks out of the frame:
    Actor gets so upset, they flip the textbooks and walk away from the table. Camera stays static as actor walks out of frame.

    We get a shot from outside the library with the actor gazing out.

  2. Natasha

    These are all great ideas! Nice!

    For the Motion Blur shot, by lowering our ISO, we’d be able to capture a motion blur of the actor shaking their head and yelling with an ECU shot. This will be right after filming the actor yelling with all the textbooks around them.

  3. Natasha

    I think that’s a great idea Sandra! Should the actor be on the other side of the glass for this to work??
    And I think we can incorporate the stairs in the library by filming the actor going up the stairs. We would be using the Steadicam for this.

  4. Ryoya Terao Post author

    This is the group to film at the college library, correct? I just obtained the permission to film there. But please be quiet and be respectful to other students who are there to study.

  5. Ryoya Terao Post author

    First of all, this group needs to state what your plans are. I would like to learn what this group has discussed in class. Sapphire was not part of your in-class discussion, either, and so you need to inform her by writing your scheme here. She shouldn’t wait, either. Without knowing what was already discussed, she can post her ideas. That’s how the group can develop the plans. OK, everyone?

    1. Sandra P. Mejias Vega

      Yes professor, we have some plans. I will started to write one of them.

      We want to use the Steadicam for this shot.
      Round the corner – Sandra
      – The shot will start inside the elevator located next to the library.
      – Back of actor.
      -Walks out with actor.

  6. Sandra Patricia

    Hi… Everyone,

    The polarizer technique we can use in the entrance of the library, in the glass door where the library’s name is.


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