Listening Log 4

Song: The Sound of Silence

Artists: Simon & Garfunkel

3 Phrases that strike me

“Hello darkness my old friend”

“People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening”

“And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence”

The repetition is ” The Sound Of Silence” at the end of every verse. It tells how people became silent in while there are negative things that happens, and is not stepping up to do what is right.

The song strike me because of the fact that sometimes, I am silent about the things that is happening, and which I should have stepped up. But as time is going, I am learning, and stepping up for what is right.

The changes in the song is the tone. The tone of the song tells the listener that the society is not what it used to be. The society, especially the younger generation have shift their focused on drugs, money, sex, and illegal activities in which the moral values instilled since the beginning is starting to vanish.

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