Listening Log assignment #1
Song used- ‘Dream on’- Aerosmith
1. Lyrics that strike me
“You gotta lose to know how to win”
“Everybody’s got the dues in life to pay”
“Live and learn from fools and from sages”
The lyrics in this song have good messages for this temporary life and very relatable as you get older.
2. Repitition
“Dream on”
“Dream until your dreams come true”
“Sing with me, just for today, Maybe tomorrow the good lord will take you away”
3. The changes over the course of the song
The song starts off calm, with the with the lyrics being sung softly. When the song reaches the bridge, the music has intensified and the singer’s voice has gotten louder. By the time it’s progressed to the hook everything is very loud. As the song ends, the guitar slows down