For Tuesday, 9/24, please read Toni Morrison’s essay “The Work You Do, The Person You Are”.
Nina will be our discussion leader. There is only one reading assigned this week, so please leave a short comment on this post!
A City Tech OpenLab Course Site
For Tuesday, 9/24, please read Toni Morrison’s essay “The Work You Do, The Person You Are”.
Nina will be our discussion leader. There is only one reading assigned this week, so please leave a short comment on this post!
Every City Tech (and CUNY) student takes Composition I, which features reading and writing assignments that will help prepare you for college and beyond. Together we will work on communicating effectively, building an argument, adapting your writing for different needs and situations, interpreting and responding to a text, and incorporating and citing secondary source material. We will be reading pieces both for their inherent literary and informational value and also as models for our own writing projects. Sharing your own ideas and experiences and adding your voice to our discussions will enrich our class community.
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Again, this was an excellent read because I agree with the wisdom provided at the end of the reading. You don’t live for others but yourself and sometimes, finding what matters to you, COMPLETELY excludes those surrounding you. It even says, “You make the job; it doesn’t make you..” having a huge impact on the reader.
By far I would say this is my favorite read from the assigned essays so far. After reading this passage I would compare this story to the book “Black Boy”. As both discuss dealing with realistic situations or struggles while also giving actual life lessons that are reliable.
Very short read, and touching to, it describes the gratefulness of having a job and hard work. It also tells us how the environment shouldn’t be a benefactor to your well-being. Work to your own standards and complete the task effectively. Say no when you know it’s over working you or difficult. Work under both geniuses and idiots no matter the task and complete the objective. Interesting read indeed.
Just as Danny mentioned it was a short but touching read that I really enjoyed. It shows us that with work, no matter if it’s challenging or easy, can pay off in more ways than one not only with materialistic things but also knowledge and the lessons you can learn. It also shows us that you shouldn’t let the burdens that you might face at work be something that effects your emotions.
I really enjoyed this reading and thought as a story, it did an excellent job of conveying an important message in few words. It was easy to digest, quick to read but still profound and touching. I think Toni Morrison is a gifted writer and I’m inspired to read more of her work.