A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Paule Marshall, “From the Poets in the Kitchen”

For Tuesday, September 17, please read Paule Marshall, “From the Poets in the Kitchen.” Damani will be our discussion leader. You have the option to respond to this post or to Thursday’s post.


  1. Mohamed Nasser

    This article is about a women who’s poetry was influenced and created by her surroundings as she grew up. She talks about how the discussions her mother and other ladies had about the racial discrimination they faced, the political state of the world, and gossips about others; made her appreciate language and gave her a better exposure when writing her poetry.

    • Danny877

      The point of view lies over poetry being a major influence for her. Her dealing with discrimination and being miss treated, her experience with the issues and people around her pushed her forward. (Sorry for the short comment)

  2. Danny877

    The point of view lies over poetry being a major influence for her. Her dealing with discrimination and being miss treated, her experience with the issues and people around her pushed her forward. (I accidentally posted under reply )


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