Day10: 11/12/2018

How are you today? Today is day10 and next week is the Thanksgiving week. Are you ready for the thanksgiving? What will you do during the thanksgiving?


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8 Responses to Day10: 11/12/2018

  1. Kelvin Chan says:

    Good afternoon professor, Kelvin is here. I think I will be working on model kits which it was made by a company named Bandai during Thanksgiving.

  2. Anthony A. says:

    hello, i am doing good and you.
    My plans for thanksgiving are to stay home and spend time with my family.

  3. KwameP says:

    Hello professor,
    I am doing good. Yes I am ready for Thanksgiving but I am not sure what I will be doing.

  4. Martinez says:

    Hey Professor, I am good today. I don’t know what ill be doing for Thanksgiving. I’m waiting on my girlfriend to make a decision. ^^^

  5. JohnRod says:

    Good afternoon professor.
    not sure about my thanksgiving plans yet. just gonna eat a lot

  6. I am good today. On Thanksgiving I will be with my family.

  7. Cristian says:

    Good afternoon professor. I am doing well thanks for asking. I will be spending time with my family on thanksgiving

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