
How was the exam? Was it simple or complicated?

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8 Responses to Day09

  1. Kelvin Chan says:

    Good afternoon professor, the writing part of the section is easy. However, the study of motion of the assembly spent half of the time of the exam

  2. Anthony A. says:

    The exam was good. it was simple.

  3. Martinez says:

    Good Afternoon Professor, The exam was good.

  4. Martinez says:

    Good Afternoon Professor, The exam was good.

  5. KwameP says:

    Good Afternoon Professor. The exam was ok.

  6. hello that exam was good.

  7. Cristian says:

    Hello the exam was fair.

  8. KwameP says:

    Hi Professor, I was not sure where to post’s a late assignment we were supposed to turn in.

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