Extra Credit: Flash Fiction Reading

If you attend this reading, write a 250-word summary about the reading and your experience there. Copy-and-paste your memo into an email to Prof. Ellis to receive credit. Details are below.

Flash Fiction Reading and Discussion by Francine Witte

Please join us on Monday, May 15th, at 1 p. m., in Room 209 of the New Academic Building, for a reading and discussion of flash fiction by celebrated flash fiction author and editor Francine Witte. Francine Witte’s poetry and fiction have appeared in Smokelong Quarterly, Wigleaf, Mid-American Review, and Passages North. Her latest books are Dressed All Wrong for This (Blue Light Press,) The Way of the Wind (AdHoc fiction,) and The Theory of Flesh (Kelsay Books) She is flash fiction editor for Flash Boulevard and The South Florida Poetry Journal. She is an associate poetry editor for Pidgeonholes. Her chapbook, The Cake, The Smoke, The Moon (flash fiction) was published by ELJ Editions in September, 2021. She lives in NYC.

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