Deliverable: User Testing Report

For your final deliverable in the class, you’ll have an opportunity to write a basic user testing report that evaluates how well others can use your instruction manual to complete the task that you’ve set for them (build the LEGO model that you designed last week).

There are two types of data that you want to collect: quantitative (numbers) and qualitative (words/description/experience). In this case, the quantitative data is how long it takes your users to build the model, and the qualitative data are answers to questions that you define and ask of all users. You use these two types of data to better understand the total user experience for your test audience.

After collecting this data, you will want to evaluate and discuss the data that you collect. You can use this site to average your collected build times. Use your phone’s clock app to time user builds. Use a notebook to write down the qualitative responses from your users.

To present your data and analyze it, use this template as a guide.

Write your memo in Google Docs. To submit it for grading, use Google Doc’s File > Download As > Word docx. Then, name your file using the following convention (SemesterYear-CourseNumber-Deliverable-YourFirstandLastName.docx or for example, Fall2022-ENG2700-UserTestingReport-GeorgePBurdell.docx). Then, upload your file here and bring three print outs to our next class for peer review (the print outs are not optional–go to the library or a lab before class if needed–plan ahead and be proactive!).