Deliverable: Report

While we discussed different kinds of reports in this unit of the course, such as the experimental research report or feasibility report, you’re going to have a chance to write a progress report for this unit’s deliverable.

Your progress report will focus on something very important and personal to you: your progress in your degree program (PTW or Business and Technology of Fashion depending on your curriculum choice).

We’re going to take two weeks on this unit so that we can break the task into parts based on the writing process. This week, you will do research using the College Catalog and Degreeworks, and write an outline to help organize your thoughts for the report that you will write next week.

Your outline should include at least these four headings: 1) Introduction (what is your report about, why are you doing it, what will it help you do, etc.) 2) Past and Current Work (this includes everything you’ve done in college up to this point including the classes that you’re currently taking, and it can include other experience, honors, and work that you have applied to your success in the program) 3) Future Work (this is what you still need to do and what you want to accomplish in order to graduate and be on the best footing possible to land a job in your field), and 4) Conclusion (use this to evaluate how you are doing in your progress to your degree, what are your recommendations for yourself going forward–this might include what classes you want to take next semester, what grades you want to get, what organizations you want to get involved in, etc.). Here’s an example on how to organize your outline–remember to bring three printed copies to next week’s class and submit a copy to Dropbox.

Compose it in Microsoft Word and save it as a Word docx file (or use a word processor of choice that can export in docx format). Name your file using the following convention (SemesterYear-CourseNumber-Deliverable-YourFirstandLastName.docx or for example, Fall2022-ENG2700-ReportOutline-GeorgePBurdell.docx). Then, upload your file here and bring three print outs to our next class for peer review (the print outs are not optional–go to the library or a lab before class if needed–plan ahead and be proactive!).

Progress to Graduation in B.S. in Professional and Technical Writing [or B.S. in Business and Design of Fashion]
Your Name

I. Introduction
II. Past Work
III. Future Work
IV. Conclusion

Next week, we’ll look in more detail about what your progress report needs to be a complete deliverable. Some content that you generate in your outline can be copy-and-pasted into your progress report deliverable. It will have this overall organization shown below.

Compose it in Microsoft Word and save it as a Word docx file (or use a word processor of choice that can export in docx format). Name your file using the following convention (SemesterYear-CourseNumber-Deliverable-YourFirstandLastName.docx or for example, Fall2022-ENG2700-Report-GeorgePBurdell.docx). Then, upload your file here and bring three print outs to our next class for peer review (the print outs are not optional–go to the library or a lab before class if needed–plan ahead and be proactive!).

Letter of Transmittal (business letter format, addressed to Prof. Ellis)
[page break]
Cover Page (title, name, affiliation, statement of contact at bottom of page)
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Table of Contents (auto generate using Microsoft Word and appropriate headings use in the body of your document)
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Summary (what are the main points/action items in your progress report?)
[page break]
Introduction (section heading)
[Discussion based on outline generated last week]
Past Work (section heading)
[Discussion based on outline generated last week]
Future Work (section heading)
[Discussion based on outline generated last week]
Conclusions (section heading)
[Discussion based on outline generated last week]
[page break]