Deliverable: Memo

We’ve already practiced with the memorandum or memo format in your weekly writing exercises at the beginning of each class. Now, we are going to take the memo a step further from memory or institutional record to an internal document used to provide actionable information to a particular audience.

For this deliverable, your goal is to write a memo encouraging non-PTW students to join the major. To support your argument, you will use quotes and relevant facts from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook’s entries on technical writers, editors, or writers and authors. NB: Choose only one entry for your memo so as to keep this week’s deliverable manageable for you.

A block-style model for your memo is included below. It should be exactly one-page, single spaced, with 1″ margins on all sides. Compose it in Microsoft Word and save it as a Word docx file (or use a word processor of choice that can export in docx format). Name your file using the following convention (SemesterYear-CourseNumber-Deliverable-YourFirstandLastName.docx or for example, Fall2022-ENG2700-Letter-GeorgePBurdell.docx). Then, upload your file here and bring three print outs to our next class for peer review (the print outs are not optional–go to the library or a lab before class if needed–plan ahead and be proactive!).

Following peer review, you will have an opportunity to revise your email deliverable for your final portfolio.

TO: Prof. Ellis and Prospective PTW Students
FROM: Your Name [add handwritten initials next to this--watch out for it messing up your spacing!]
DATE: Due Date
SUBJECT: Informative and Brief Subject of Your Memo

One to two sentence introduction that states what the memo is about and gives an overview of its contents (i.e., a road map).

The body of your memo should be a discussion around why a prospective student should study PTW and become the type of job title that you picked from the three above. Some reasons can be obvious and stated by you without citation, such as: If you enjoy writing, you should consider studying Professional and Technical Writing (PTW). Other things such as phrases, sentences, or figures that you find in the OOH should be quoted and cited using APA. This means in-text, the end of the sentence needs to have a parenthetical citation: (USBLS, year of the entry) or for example, (USBLS, 2021). Note, the quoted material goes before the parenthetical citation and the period for the sentence goes after the parenthetical citation. Provide quotes and citations for any information gleaned from the entry you choose. Do not paraphrase.

Conclude your memo with a one or two sentence paragraph giving your recommendation that based on the reasons provided a prospective student should consider PTW. 

Reference [give this line]
Write an APA Bibliographic Reference for your selected OOH entry. This page will help you.