Deliverable: Letter

For this deliverable project, I would like you to write a business letter to a company or organization. Your letter should make an argument that attempts to convince the reader to do something. Some possibilities include requesting a refund for a faulty product, encouraging a company to divest its investments in fossil fuels, making suggestions on improving a product, calling on the company to invest in a community through outreach or job creation, or something else. The main point is that your letter should make an argument and provide supporting evidence that supports your argument. Your letter should follow a business letter format and be one-page, single spaced (try to maximize your letter by using the full page but do not exceed that length).

Do basic research to find the address of the company or organization that you want to write to, and identify the name of an individual to address the letter to (e.g., the CEO or an executive in a division related to your letter’s topic). You may change your address to 123 Main Street, Anywhere, USA 55555 if you do not want to include your own address on the deliverable.

A block-style model for your letter is included below. Compose it in Microsoft Word and save it as a Word docx file (or use a word processor of choice that can export in docx format). Name your file using the following convention (SemesterYear-CourseNumber-Deliverable-YourFirstandLastName.docx or for example, Fall2022-ENG2700-Letter-GeorgePBurdell.docx). Then, upload your file here and bring three print outs to our next class for peer review (the print outs are not optional–go to the library or a lab before class if needed–plan ahead and be proactive!).

Following peer review, you will have an opportunity to revise your email deliverable for your final portfolio.

Your Company/Organization's Name [only use this line if you are writing on behalf of a company that you own or work for]
Your Street Address
City, State[two spaces]Zip Code

Date that you send the letter [Sept. 22, 2022]

Addressee's Full Name
Company/Organization Name
Street Address
City, State[two spaces]Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. Addressee's Last Name (or full name if you are unsure of the addressee's gender):

Humanity statement. Introduce yourself briefly. State why you are writing the letter (e.g., I am writing to you, because ...). If useful for organizing your letter, provide a road map of reasons/evidence that you will develop in the following paragraphs (e.g., I believe that your company should do <this thing that I am suggesting>, because of x, y, and z.)

In one larger or several smaller paragraphs, develop your argument with supporting evidence. Think of the rhetorical appeals and how they can be used with facts and evidence that you provide. If you provided a road map sentence, your order of evidence should follow the same order in that sentence (x, y, and z). 

In the last paragraph, tell them that if they have further questions, they can get in touch with you at the address above or by other means--include your phone number and school email address. End with a statement that you look forward to speaking with them and/or you appreciate them reading/considering your argument [but don't say 'argument'--say what it is you are writing about].


[Insert a graphic of your signature here]

Your First and Last Name
Title [only use your title if you are writing on behalf of a company/organization that you own or work for]