Deliverable: Email

For this first class deliverable, each student will write a professional thank you email to someone who contributed to your academic, professional, or personal development. You do not have to send this email. Instead, we will write it in the form of a memo, but should you decide to send it as an email to the recipient, it would be nice for you to report back about the experience.

As discussed in class, a thank you email doesn’t have to be long, but it does need to be precise and provide details relevant to what you are thanking the individual for. This concerns issues of audience and the purposes of the communication, which is true for any deliverable that we might compose.

A model for your email is included below. Compose it in Microsoft Word and save it as a Word docx file (or use a word processor of choice that can export in docx format). Name your file using the following convention (SemesterYear-CourseNumber-Deliverable-YourFirstandLastName.docx or for example, Fall2022-ENG2700-Email-GeorgePBurdell.docx). Then, upload your file here and bring three print outs to our next class for peer review (the print outs are not optional–go to the library or a lab before class if needed–plan ahead and be proactive!).

Following peer review, you will have an opportunity to revise your email deliverable for your final portfolio.


Dear recipient's name,

Humanity sentence (see Portwood-Stacer).

Body--context, what you're thanking the recipient for, and some elaboration on what it meant to you, what it helped you achieve, how it supported you in a time of need, etc..

Complimentary closing,
Your first name

Update your email signature in Outlook and include it here:
Your First and Last Name
New York City College of Technology, CUNY Class of xxxx
Professional and Technical Writing (B.S.)
Your Campus Email Address
Your First and Last Name 
Your Campus Email Address
Professional and Technical Writing Undergraduate
New York City College of Technology, CUNY