Category Archives: Announcement


Greetings, all!

I hope that you’ve been doing well since our class last met.

I wanted to remind you of a few things (scroll through past posts for directions of each–this message only serves to put things on your radar).

  • Connect with Prof. Ellis on LinkedIn.
  • Complete the memo assignment, submit it, and bring 3 print copies to our next class.
  • Get caught up with the readings on the syllabus (we will be discussing Proposals this week).
  • If you come down with COVID, please stay home. There was a question about this at the end of our last class. The official school policy is available at the bottom of this page. I’ll include a copy of it below for easy reference. Also, I think it’s good professional behavior to stay out of school/the workplace if you have a cold or the flu so that you don’t spread it to others. Contact your professors if you need to stay out for that reason and use your personal network to find out about class notes, assignments, etc.
    • What if I test positive for COVID-19?
      • Fill out the COVID Reporting Form.
      • Stay home for 5 days (day 0 is your first day of symptoms, or the day of your first positive test if you do not develop symptoms).
      • Stay in a separate room from other household members, if possible.
      • Use a separate bathroom, if possible.
      • Improve ventilation in home, if possible.
      • Avoid contact with other members of the household and pets.
      • Don’t share personal household items, like cups, towels, and utensils.
      • Wear a well-fitting mask when you need to be around other people.
      • If you have no symptoms or your symptoms are resolving after 5 days, you can leave your house
      • If an individual has access to a test and wants to test, the best approach is to use an antigen test towards the end of the 5-day isolation period. Collect the test sample only if you are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication and your other symptoms have improved. If your test result is positive, you should continue to isolate until day 10.
      • Continue to wear a well-fitting mask around others for 5 additional days; if you cannot wear a mask, continue to isolate for 5 days.
      • If you have a fever, continue isolation until you are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.
      • If you were severely ill with COVID-19 you should isolate for at least 10 days. Consult your doctor before ending isolation.

Connect on LinkedIn

Before our next class, I would like you all to complete a smaller homework assignment.

First, create a Profile. If you already have one, you may use it.

Second, connect to my LinkedIn Profile here (click on the “Connect” button underneath my profile’s avatar/photo).

During the rest of the semester, we will use some class time to work on your profile and build your professional network.