Author Archives: Jason W. Ellis

Connect on LinkedIn

Before our next class, I would like you all to complete a smaller homework assignment.

First, create a Profile. If you already have one, you may use it.

Second, connect to my LinkedIn Profile here (click on the “Connect” button underneath my profile’s avatar/photo).

During the rest of the semester, we will use some class time to work on your profile and build your professional network.

Week 5

While the above multimedia installation by Nam June Paik called TV Rodin is a work of art, we can conceive of a large swath of Technical Communication involving communicating through technology–computers, telecommunications, video, etc. The art installation above encapsulates this Rodin’s The Thinker “seeing” himself on an opposite television monitor displaying a constant video feed from a CCD camera pointed at The Thinker. We can extend this to some of the most popular forms of online, video communication now–streaming. The technologies of streaming facilitate interactive communication that goes far beyond a one-to-many broadcast paradigm, and those technologies simplify how video streams are combined and displayed as well as how the streamer may interact with her audience. In effect, streaming communicates a great deal of technical information in a streamlined manner, and the technologies of communication mark streaming as a kind of technical communication.

For this week’s class:

  • Weekly Reading Report Exercise
  • Perform Peer Review on last week’s deliverable
  • Discuss this week’s readings.
  • Introduce this week’s deliverable: Memos
  • Review syllabus about next week’s readings and work (and note the upcoming Thursday class meeting changes).