Author Archives: LuisAlv95

Luis Alvarado,ENG2575,Instruction Manual

The Instruction manual that I’m trying to improve on would be the on the installation of Linux on your computer by using Virtual Box which is a application that allows the user to have multiple OS (Operating Systems) in there computer. I was thinking of mentioning the application you’ll need to use which would be Virtual box and how to download it along with the website link to download it and also mention where you can find the Linux OS on the internet. I will also try to write about the pros of having Virtual box in your computer and the cons as well. My first issue in which i will try to tackle in the manual would be the how having this in your computer could benefit you even if you’re not in the Computer Tech field.

Luis Alvarado,ENG2575,Feedback

Going back to the assignment and the feedback you gave me, I started noticing a few errors in my writing that I haven’t noticed before reading it and even though I read my work I should’ve had someone else read my work to see any errors because when I was proof reading my paper I didn’t notice any mistakes in the paper. I should’ve realized my mistake in the beginning of my paper stating the article even though a article doesn’t talk and I also noticed a lot more errors along the way the moment the notes that were given to me suggested.

Luis Alvarado,ENG2575, Readings

Well to be honest I wasn’t too much into the reading I know the reading was about researchers inviting students for a study but the rest wasn’t to interesting to me. I’m surprised I even read pass the first page without sleeping at this point. I tried skimming through the paper but it didn’t work what so ever.  My experience with the article is summarized with the picture in the second page, yes I’m talking about the sock puppet. That is my expression on this entire article.

Luis Alvarado,ENG2575,John Arnold Made a Fortune at Enron. Now He’s Declared War on Bad Science

In the article John Arnold Made a Fortune at Enron. Now He’s Declared War on Bad Science the article explains how John Arnold a young billionaire managed to create a research foundation and contacted a software scientist known as Brian Nosek.The article goes on to explain John Arnold’s youth and how he became the person he is today. It also explains how he worked for Enron  a energy company that was in turmoil in 2001 and also how he walked away from the turmoil of the company’s collapse with a bonus and no accusations. A year later he starts his own hedge fund called Centaurus Energy by 2006 his company went on to compete with other companies and which his company beats and generates his company’s annual return increase to 317 percent and later on states that his annual never went below 50 percent. By 2007 he becomes the youngest billionaire in the country at the age of 33. By 2010 Arnold’s company experienced it’s first annual lost and the company has changed ever since he implemented stricter laws on his company and even his market and by the time his is 38 he states that he lost his passion for trading and decided to pursue other goals. Two years later Arnold decides to retire from Centaurus and goes on to learn and invest in philanthropy.  He than follows this way of thinking  where he relies more on data than ideology and has helped him develop this new notion of turning the science world into more like financing.

Luis Alvarado,ENG2575,Articles

In the readings my personal favorite would have to be The AI Threat Isn’t Skynet. Its the End Of The Middle Class because the article explains how there is a high chance of people rising up over machines than machines rising over people due to the fact of machines taking so many factory jobs from people and how machines are perfecting those jobs more than humans ever will. This didn’t shock me at all because the problem with man being replaced by machine has been an issue since the Industrial Revolution in the late 1800’s. The other reading John Arnold Made a Fortune at Enron. Now He’s Declared War on Bad Science I didn’t find too intriguing most of the article to me was based of his found to being a billionaire and how his start up research company discovered a flaw in the Government’s nutrition program over the years.

Luis Alvarado,ENG2575,Readings

Personally I was more into A Sound of Thunder than I was All you Zombies, My initial thoughts on the readings were very positive. I really enjoyed how both readings were based off time travel but i like A Sound of Thunder way of having the science fiction law of time travel for example in A Sound of Thunder Travis explains to the main character Eckel about the repercussions of time travel when something goes wrong. This mentioning of the story is what got me more hooked on the reading because i felt liked something wrong was about to happen to the protagonist of the story. I also thought the ending was a little dark initially but later in made me realize why Travis took did what he did. In the reading All you Zombies I was caught off guard on how the story went back and forth with different characters and different stories based off the repercussions of time traveling as well. Initially I was surprised on how the story was similar to A Sound of Thunder.

Luis Alvarado

Hello,my name is Luis Alvarado and I’m taking this class because it is required, but I would also like to get an A out of this class and learn how I can change my writing for future reference to help me in my career.