Rickardo Ramchand, Expanded Definition in the group ENG2575, Technical Writing, Section D594, Spring 2017

The scientific terms I have found so far for the expanded definition of technical or scientific The scientific terms I have found so far for the expanded definition of technical or scientific term related to my field of major, CST Information Technology, are automation, virtual and augmented reality, and digital technology platform and mesh app and service architecture. Out of these four scientific terms mine will be mesh app and service architecture. The first article I found on this specific term is: “Platform for the management of hydraulic chambers based on mobile devices and Bluetooth Low-Energy motes,” by J. Garrigos. The second article I found is on: “Enabling synergy in IoT: Platform to service and beyond,” by Michael P. Anderson. The third and last article I came across was: “Porting HPC applications to the cloud: A multi-frontal solver case study,” by Bartosz Balis. I found these three articles on the school library website using keyword Mesh App and Service Architecture, then I clicked on Peer-Review Journals to get my results. I have not started reading the other two articles yet but my choice so far is on the first article, “Porting HPC applications to the cloud: A multifrontal solver case study.”

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