Author Archives: Rickardo

Rickardo Ramchand, “How this semester is going for me so far,” English 2575, D594

As for this semester so far the midterms are getting me busy to do reviews for my classes in my free time as well as to study more. What I have to mostly review is my PreCalculus class and my Business-2425 class. What I’m currently struggling with is of how many words to put in the memo assignment for my expanded definition review. Also, I am trying to find other sources to proper define the term of my choosing, “Mesh App and Service Architecture,” since I am finding less results on “Automation.”

Rickardo Ramchand, What I think about my assignment, English-2575

I have not yet received a grade on my assignment. An email was sent to me that I have to see you after the class session. I tried my best to follow the syllabus but I did not know it excluded the professor’s name and class name. I get confused that content from the email template on the syllabus means the topic of the email. I noticed that the revised syllabus also left out the description to give a detailed body paragraph as to why the email is sent. I have to send my email.

Rickardo Ramchand, Expanded Definition in the group ENG2575, Technical Writing, Section D594, Spring 2017

The scientific terms I have found so far for the expanded definition of technical or scientific The scientific terms I have found so far for the expanded definition of technical or scientific term related to my field of major, CST Information Technology, are automation, virtual and augmented reality, and digital technology platform and mesh app and service architecture. Out of these four scientific terms mine will be mesh app and service architecture. The first article I found on this specific term is: “Platform for the management of hydraulic chambers based on mobile devices and Bluetooth Low-Energy motes,” by J. Garrigos. The second article I found is on: “Enabling synergy in IoT: Platform to service and beyond,” by Michael P. Anderson. The third and last article I came across was: “Porting HPC applications to the cloud: A multi-frontal solver case study,” by Bartosz Balis. I found these three articles on the school library website using keyword Mesh App and Service Architecture, then I clicked on Peer-Review Journals to get my results. I have not started reading the other two articles yet but my choice so far is on the first article, “Porting HPC applications to the cloud: A multifrontal solver case study.”

Rickardo Ramchand, English-2575, “That’s What You Think, Why Reason And Evidence Won’t Change Our Minds.” Section D-594.

In the article, “That’s What You Think,” Mercier, who works at a French research institute in Lyon, and Sperber, now based at the Central European University, in Budapest, point out that, “Reason is an evolved trait, “It emerged on the savannas of Africa, and has to be understood in that context.” I got to understand from Mercier and Sperber that living in small bands of hunter-gatherers, our ancestors were primarily concerned with their social standing, and with making sure that they were not the ones risking their lives on the hunt while others loafed around in the cave. I got to understand from this article that at any given moment, a field may be dominated by squabbles, but in the end, methodology prevails. Science moves forward, even as we remain stuck in place.

Article on “John Arnold Made A Fortune on Enron, Now He’s Declared War On Science,” by Rickardo Ramchand Section D-594

In the article, “John Arnold Made a Fortune on Enron, Now He’s Declared War on Science” by Sam Apple, John Arnold didn’t start the movement to reform Science, but they have done more than anyone else to amplify its capabilities. Arnold typically approached researchers out of the blue to ask whether they might be able to do more with more money, and his foundation’s research integrity initiative has given more than $80 million to science critics and reformers in the past five years alone. Arnold says, “He believes that most researchers go into their work with the best of intentions, only to be led astray by a system that rewards the wrong behaviors.”

Article on “John Arnold Made A Fortune on Enron, Now He’s Declared War On Science,” by Rickardo Ramchand Section D-594

John Arnold and his wife Laura are a young billionaire couple in Houston that created their own Foundation known as the John Arnold Foundation. Arnold started his own hedge fund, Centaurus Energy, where he became hedge fund competitor, but abruptly retired at the age of 38 to focus full time on philanthropy. Arnold’s reform efforts have focused on fixing nutrition science. In 2015 the Arnold Foundation paid journalist Nina Teicholz to investigate the scientific review process that informs the U.S Dietary Guidelines. Laura and John Arnold didn’t start the movement to reform science, but they have done more than anyone else to amplify its capabilities by approaching researchers out of the blue and asking whether they might be able to do more with more money. The foundation’s Research Integrity initiative has given more than $80 million to science critics and reformers in the past five years alone. In 2001, even as Enron was collapsing on an accounting scandal that covered up billions in debt, he still earned $750 million for the company. As Enron neared bankruptcy, executives scrambled to hold its operation together, and Arnold was given $8 million, the biggest payout of all, days before Enron filed bankruptcy. He started another company by the name of Centaurus, which reportedly generated a 317 percent return overall. In 2010 Centaurus experienced its first annual loss.

Rickardo Ramchand, English-2575, “A Sound of Thunder” and “All You Zombies”

What interests me the most in this story is the explanation from Mr. Travis to Eckels about not to alter the past by killing any animal or stepping on any species of plant since it might be linked to the human race. Protective clothing, technology, weapons and chemicals are also used in this story plot to not alter the past as well. The hardest part of this story is to complete the main mission which is to hunt a Tyrannosaurus Rex while at the same time not mess up the past by touching anything. I did not fully understand the story “All You Zombies”, because the main character has both male and female genders as well as both reproductive organ systems, but I did understand that this plot also has something to do with time traveling. But as for the plot of the story, it’s kind of hard to understand the main character’s point of view.


Rickardo Ramchand

Prof: Steve Rosenstein

February 3rd, 2017



Hi, my name is Rickardo, and this is my second semester in New York City college of technology. I am a transfer student since Fall 2016, and this is a great experience for me so far.