Mark H, Eng 2575 Section D594 – Assignment One Summary Feedback

After reviewing the feedback from Assignment One, I agreed with the criticism and the information provided to become a better writer. The main feedback was my assignment had a lot of information which read as a list of information. While writing this assignment, I also felt as if I was providing a lot of information because I wanted to review all of the main points from the article itself. When I was finished with the first draft, I was over by almost 150 words. Therefore I began to cut out sentences and other point to meet the 500 word requirement. This is a problem I have always had as a student writer. Whenever professors assigned papers with requirements I have always gone over the required amount. This is something I plan to work on and correct in this class. Another, point that was brought to my attention was to use better transition words.  This is something I am not worried about because I am normally good at this. For future assignments, I will surly work to improve this as well.

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