Kevin Bayolima Expanded Definition Thoughts

This assignment was not as difficult as i anticipated as well as not being easy.  The term cyber bullying itself is rather interesting because it was created recently in the past two decades although its predecessor term bullying has been along a much longer period of time. I was able to find a decent amount of articles to help me make my paper. The word did branch of to the field of psychology which was helpful with context. As for the similarities and differences its predecessor term gave me a lot of information to work with.

Feedback for Expanded Definition

The expanded definition assignment is going ok so far. Although I have not completed it yet, I would say everything is in place for a smooth writing. I originally had fears that I would not know how to go about doing the assignment and how to come up with enough information for 750 words but I found enough information to do so. The instructions for the assignment was somewhat clear but not very relevant to my term so I had to play around it such as how the term is used in different fields which there is not much to write about due to it being used the same everywhere.







It’s almost the end of March and for us student it means one important event: The Midterms and it is a very stressful time for us. The main problem that lead to this stress is the amount of work that it takes to prepare for the midterms. And this is more than true for student like me that are taking four classes.  My main problem though is not the amount of work that I have to dedicate to the midterms but the time. That’s because I have to share that time, to prepare for my midterms, with my full time job that I do. In addition, it takes me more than three hours per day for commuting from home to school to work.

In conclusion, this month will be a very stressful one but not my only one I had.



Time past so fast. From next week, I will have some midterms. Actually I did not bad in some classes such as CST classes. Also I learned a lot from economy and  technical writing classes. Furthermore, I realize that I need to work harder in technical writing. Based on the book, I know that its a very good class, and it’s focus on communication. And it is very useful for students who will graduate soon.


As I approach midterms, I feel that the work is really starting to kick in and that I need to start making moves towards getting the final assignments finished. While I don’t really have much midterms or midterm assignments, I do have final presentations and assignments that looming over me. So as I reach the middle mark I must start taking action.

Midterm Approaches…

…and I’m kicking and screaming! I’M NOT READY!!! No, I’m not entirely ready for midterms because I’m doing fairly well in 2 classes, meaning, so far I’m not behind on any work. Then in Precalculus, this being my third attempt, having dropped the class twice before so it wouldn’t adversely affect my GPA, I am understanding the work a bit more than before, but not as much as I would like. My last class, which is a CST class, I am totally behind, one because it’s on Linux, and my forte is Windows, and two because I’ve been putting Precalculus, and the other classes ahead of this computer course, I don’t under the material yet. But I can’t tell the professor that!  I’ll have to tell him something that will convince him not to give up on me, and to at least give me a chance to catch up on the work. I can’t afford to fail the course.

Jose Guerrero, Midterm Assessment

Dear class,

This semester is somewhat difficult for me as the midsemester approaches. As many of you know it is difficult to juggle work and school. I go to school three days a week and work four days a week. There is not much time for anything else with this schedule and I cannot wait for it to end. The most difficult thing for me is time management in regards to all the assignments I have to do. I am taking 12 credits this semester so I have many assignments to do. The struggle for me is always time, there is never enough time but I am managing so far.

Jose Guerrero

Midterm Assessment

For the mid-semester of Spring 2017 it has been much slower than my previous years in college. Usually I attend 4 classes a semester but this semester I am only attending 2 classes. I did begin with 4 but have since reduced the classes to have some amount of rest between working part time in retail and attending classes every morning. Since making the decision to only take 2 classes I feel that I do have time to get more class related work done. Usually when I am taking the 4 classes I can maybe get assignments done for 2 out of the 4 and pray that the other classes do not assign work. This semester I see deadlines and I do not need to calculate how much time I need to assign myself in order to get it done by the deadline. I can tackle the assignments in bits and pieces as I see fit while I also try to get some more sleep and actually feel better throughout my days.

Semester & Midterms

So far this semester has been going good. I have made a conscious effort to stay ahead of all my work. Usually I try to have all my notes and flash cards organized before we get to or finish the lesson plan for that week. Tests have been OK so far and I don’t have any classes that give midterm exams. All my classes give tests throughout the semester and a final at the end.