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Technical Summary

The technical summary assignment was fairly easy. Any assignment that is short I feel is  typically an easy one especially when having to discuss a topic which you have enough information to deliver. If there was a challenging aspect to it, I would say it would have to be trying to choose what is most essential to discuss.

Jose G Article Research.

Hello Class,

Looking for an article for the assignment has not been the easiest for me. I made a large list of articles that I just glanced at and have been reading through them one by one. I have found few that actually caught my attention. I think I will find something soon but one of the difficulties I was having was finding good tech sources because I read articles from the internet that can be from not so scholarly sources so I have to get used to looking for more reliable sources.



Sources – Willy Chong

I had been looking for good sources regarding Bitcoins. I got hooked to this topic because the freedom and benefits Bitcoins offers to business seems like a very interesting point. I had been using the school library database to search for peer-to-peer reviews.

article research

Astrit Terziu

English 2575 – D590

Class Work


The many ways of researching for an article.


To write a good article we definitely need good and most importantly reliable sources.

Such sources can be scholarly ones, or reputable news sources, like Reuters, New York Times, The Gardian etc. Unfortunately, I haven’t started looking for an article yet, but when I start, these are the sources I will be looking at.

research process

I have been did some work about researching the articles of “AI” field from NY times or other scientific magazines. But it was really difficult to choose a good topic for my presentation. However, I really gathered some materials. And I will finish all the preparation work soon.


For  my  summary  topic  I  chose  to  explore  different  sites  such  as  CNN,  TheGuardian,  and  TechCrunch.  I  was  having  trouble  looking  for  an  article  that  wasn’t  simple  but  not  complex  either.    I  came  across  various  articles  that  were  about  technology  with  a  sprinkle  of  politics.

Research Process

So far in my article research for the presentation, i been searching on google for articles that have to do with how technology is changing our everyday life and economy. Something around the lines of an article that is similar to the article that we had to read for today’s class. So far i haven’t found anything exciting, but soon i should be able to find one.

Trying to find Sources for Next Week’s Assignment

While I was totally prepared to write about yesterday’s article about AI’s threat to the middle class–I have also been looking for an article for next week’s assignment. I’ve been looking on, and which are two of the places I like to read about technology, and I’ve also noticed that has good articles. But it’s not easy finding lengthy articles, that are wonderfully  interesting to talk about.

Finding Sources Isaac M.

I have not made much research for the presentation, but the other I was in one my classes yesterday and we went over an article about virtualization that really caught my attention. Therefore, I asked the professor if he could suggest me some articles about the topic. Also i been researching on google and the School’s library Database.