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The Checklist

I found it interesting because it goes into how far medicine has come along. Its amazing that they can revive someone who could be considered dead after 2 hours. It’s also pretty amazing to find out a century ago you only needed to graduate high school and train for a year to become a doctor. The checklist that medical professionals use is also relatively knew and I thought that would be something that would have been around for a lot longer than it has.

Atul Gawande’s “The Checklist”

Checklists are useful in many industries, and in many situations. House movers, wedding planners, and tax accountants already use them. In the case of “The Checklist,” doctors in ICUs could use it to remember mundane tasks like making sure to drape the patient’s entire body before running a line–and in doing so can save millions of dollars a year and reduce the death rate of ICU patients, the rate of infection, and the length of time patients spend in the ICU. Pilots can also use it to fly bomber planes… I didn’t know where he was going with the bomber plane story, but it was amazing to see how he managed to tie it in with the rest of the tale.


My thoughts on “The Checklist” article

The first few pages of the article  was very intriguing about how modern medicine has evolved and how much better can it get. Half way through the article i wasn’t sure what to make of the it, to me it was just an educational reading that seamed directed more for people in the medical field especially with the jargon. Then i finally realized that the point the article was trying to make was that a checklist of simple steps was going to save more lives in the I.C.U. It’s basically an instruction manual. There was also a paragraph on airplane and how they were consider a very dangerous task until an instruction manual on  how to take off and land a plane was written.

Kevin Bayolima The Checklist Thoughts

What i got out of the article is how checklists have changed the mannerisms of intensive care units in certain areas mentioned in the article. With checklists nurses and doctors make sure that all the steps are taken care of in ICU procedures to reduce infections and other complications from occurring in patients. However as of the date of the article the implementation of checklists in ICU’s was not a standard meaning not all hospitals use checklists. This could lead to higher chances of infections and complications in patients then those who use checklists.

The Checklist

“TheChecklist” brought to my attention the complexities of surgery and and what goes on in the ICU. Not only that, but it discusses how complexities can be avoided by the implementation of a checklist which would cover necessary precautionary steps doctors should take during surgery. I normally hate reading things based on medical field because for one I  typically don’t understand the lingo, and two because it grosses me out. However, it was necessary to understand that there are ways to improve ihow doctors can save lives.


English2575 How I feel about the assignment on expanded definition D594

I feel like this assignment about the expanded definition has been a little challenging because I don’t know if my conclusion is good enough for my assignment topic. I also don’t know if my intro is good enough as well to make sense with the conclusion as well. I am puzzled on the memo however on if to your name or email and my name or email.

Instruction Manual Topic

The topic I am leaning towards and feel like could flesh out to not only fill the requirements of the assignment would be building a PC. You can go online and look up dozens of parts, maybe they work together, maybe not and then you have a pile of parts waiting for you to assemble when you finally get them and there’s very little instruction about assembly because you got half a dozen manufacturers in front of you. There’s deviation, there are outside resources, there are user created guides. If the instruction manual goes long I can focus on a specific build with a specific pool of parts so that there is focus. But if that ends up being a manual that will be too long or too grand for 2,000 words I will need a backup topic. Since a repair that I am currently looking at completing is cleaning a heat sink and reapplying thermal paste on a “Launch” Playstation 4 I am also considering that as well. I am trying to see how the word count plays out and see which will feel the quota and allow to me enjoy what I am writing.