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daily log

Itā€™s one week before spring break. So many project to do, so many paper to write, and a presentation to do. And everything is due before the spring break can actually arrive. In the end, one has to go through hell to reach the paradise. But wait, thereā€™s more, since we going to be off for spring break, the professor gave students a surprise. They said: ā€œsince you guys are going to have many days off then you deserve a bunch of home works, just in case you try to enjoy your deserved time off. Welcome to college.

Post Anything Here

I’m mortified. The instruction manual is due on Monday, and I still have not decided what to write about! Once I have the subject matter, I can run with it, so to speak. But until then, what do I do? I posted to Facebook for some ideas. Yes, I did! I just wanted to see if it would get the juices flowing. I feel a bit overwhelmed by the workload this semester, because a lot is riding on it. I must pass precalculus, because it’s the third time taking it, and it’s the one class preventing me from getting my associate’s degree. Then I have two classes that will not take late assignments–one, not at all, and the other will, but with grade point deductions. And my last class is my computer class, which I am falling behind on because I’ve prioritized the other three classes, and the programming isn’t my forte. So yes, this semester is a little nerve-racking.

Spring break plan

I wanted to not do any school work over spring break but it looks like I will be studying while I’m off. I think I will have to limit my time to make sure i a at least a little fresh when classes resume. I want to study for a CompTIA certification. I am not sure which one yet to choose yet. Leaning more to Security+ because the test will be retired in July and the new one wont be available till October.

Progress on the Instruction manual

With one week left for the instruction manual to be due, I have been making progress. So far I have around half of the word count done, and it looks like my fear of not meeting the word count limit is gone. The hardest part was making sure that the manual was able to be followed by other people that don’t have any experience about the topic.

Instructional manual

I did some research about instructional manual writing assignment. And I found some interesting thins. There are really some other different ways to do some common things. For example, the bitcoin now is so expensive, and some people buy the bitcoin miners from the computer company. However, people can build a powerful computer by themselves without having too much knowledge in computer science. In fact, all the actions has its instructional manual. And I will try to write an interesting one.

What I have learned about the assignments

The annotations assignment, even though I wasn’t able to submit it. It helped me to highlight important information from the reading and identify key points.
In regards to the instructional manual, I’m trying to have fun with it and doing it about how to install a motorcycle fender eliminator (undertail kit) since I did it before to my motorcycle and there are no specific instructions available because it is a customized modification.

3/29/2017 Update

So far what I’ve been learning how to write while trying to an audience in mind. Usually when I write something it is with the express goal of getting it done. I do not think about who is going to read it and I never think about the overall experience of reading my own work. So with the last assignment I have trying to write while keeping an audience in mind. This an important skill to have when getting in to the work force and being able to communicate via the 1,001 ways to communicate that can currently be used in the work place.

My thoughts on this week

This week is midterm week, I’ve already taken a midterm on Systems Analysis and Design. I also have another one tomorrow on Java database designing. So far in my instruction,Ā manual I’m almost done with it, I just need to add a few more steps to wrap it up. After that I’m going to read through it a hundred times to see what more can I add, or perhaps clarify on something that a read might think is unclear

free writing

I finally picked a topic for my manual. I am going to talk about how to set up the buildingĀ Ā for an event at Webster hall. I known for a fact it neverĀ been done before an am exited about it. there is a lot of variables to account for and hopefully I would beĀ able to cover them.

Current Thoughts on Instruction Manual

The due date for the instruction manual is approaching and I have not started yet. I originally had the idea of giving instructions for the zenmap program but that may be too close to breaking the rules of the assignment. I am now thinking about doing ransomware removal from a computer but that is a long winded task to pull off just to get screenshots for the assignment so that is why I have been holding off on starting. This assignment is much harder than I thought.