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Kevin Bayolima Instruction Manual Progress

I have started on my instruction manual and i believe i have sufficient information to fulfill the 2000 word count as well as including graphics to give the reader some visuals. However the format I am using feels weird because of how the previous two papers were in MLA format. Also i am not sure one which words may not count in the total word count.

Instruction Manual Update

The writing of the instruction manual is still ongoing. This manual requires careful at the point writing so it’s taking me sometime to get do. Writing a step can take minutes at fully complete, since it’s a write, read, edit and read again exercise. Yes !! I’ll make the Wednesday due date.

Instruction Manual Progress

I have finally decided on a topic to do my instruction manual on. I had bounced between two ideas that I felt would be good, however the first could be a problem in terms of the criteria of the assignment which I might break accidentally break the rules. The second idea I had would have been a daunting process which would take a long time to go through to get pictures not to mention if I had made mistake it would be detrimental to my computer. So the idea I have settled on which is to run a gaming emulator on Windows 10 would be the best idea because there is no instruction manual for it and it is a fairly easy process.

Jose Guerrero, Instruction Manual

Hello Class,

I started the instruction manual but I have not gotten far. I’ve had a lot of studying to do this week because of midterms. I have two midterms today and i haven’t had the time to put into the instruction manual. I have the main steps done so now i need to add a lot of detailed instructions.

Thank You

Jose Guerrero

Instruction Manual

I am working on instruction manual and my topic is about how to install security camera. I have my personal experience to install security camera. I did for my home security before. I know where should install a camera can maximum protect home security.

Instruction Manual

The writing of the instruction manual is an “uphill” task, for many of the ideas I have are way over the word limit. As i write the manual, keeping in mind my audience, each step of instructions required careful thinking and construction. Wish me luck with the writing of this manual.

Instructional Manual Progress

So far, I have the basic idea of how to write the paper. But I am still debating if I should really write a instructional paper about a cooking a certain dish. My major issue is that the paper is quite lengthy for a instructional manual so I need to work around it. On the other hand, for the annotation, by doing so, I realize it is much easier to organize my thoughts and get the main ideas on point. In addition, it helps me to get straight to the purpose of the article being read.