Author Archives: Willy

Coming Midterms

So far I had been handling the work fine. Some days I have to sleep as little as 3 hours to be able to keep up with the assignments the professor give. For the coming midterms I feel like I am kind of prepared for. I will be needing some review time as usual to get good grades. Some of my classes assigned big projects that I feel like I won’t be able to complete along with the writing assignments for this class. However, I will try what I can do to get everything completed by the deadlines.

Communication, Your Career, and This Book

While reading chapter 1, I think for me the important points are that we need to be able to convey our thoughts and ideas to other people through writing. If we cannot convey what we want to other people to know then it will be useless. In addition, another point would be that the writing we do in college is very different from the writing style used at the workplace. Furthermore, it is important to to discern and understand to what kind of reader you will be writing to since it will help to reach them and in the end making them able to understand your ideas and thoughts.

Expanded Definition Progress

I have the idea in mind on what to write and how to progress through it. However, looking at the library database had been proven to me to be not an easy task. The articles found in the library database are really lengthy and sometimes confusing. Hence, I have to spend more time looking for suitable article to fit the concept of my paper. In addition, I had been looking at outside sources to gain more understanding on the topic I will be writing about.

500 Words Summary – Willy Chong

While writing the summary, the first problem I encountered was how to start writing it after reading the article a couples time. Another problem I encountered was that the article was kind of lengthy and I needed to trim off parts that I thought were not important or redundant to the reader. Lastly, summarizing the entire article proved to be difficult as there was a lot going on and I couldn’t write more than 500 words in the body of the paper.

Sources – Willy Chong

I had been looking for good sources regarding Bitcoins. I got hooked to this topic because the freedom and benefits Bitcoins offers to business seems like a very interesting point. I had been using the school library database to search for peer-to-peer reviews.

Reaction to “Facebook Live is changing the world – but not in the way it hoped” – Willly Chong

The article is very interesting in that its highlights the ways a new technology like Facebook Live is being used. While Mark Zuckerberg main ideology for Facebook Live was to make family members and friends more connected in a way or another, it is not always the case. Facebook Live have great potential for streaming videos that could help connect friends and family. However, it seems that people are not using Facebook Live with that sole intent. Instead they live stream content that should be monitored for the adequate audience since on Facebook there are also young audience and it is not appropriate for them to watch video about killing or rape.

Reaction to the readings – Willy Chong

I find “All You Zombies” by Robert Heinlein to be a very interesting short story. While the main character of the story turned out incredible weird and did not really make much sense using common sense, the story did caught my attention since it was about time travel. It was very surprising to me that the protagonist turned out to be the only character throughout the story. Furthermore, the craziest thing I found in this story is that the protagonist had both sex organs(Female/Male).

On the other hand, the short story “A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury was much more interesting as they time traveled to the period where dinosaur were still alive. It was a very interesting story since the story focused on hunters traveling to the past to hunt T-Rex. Can you image hunting a  huge dinosaur?

My Intro: Willy Chong

Hello everyone,

My name is Willy Chong and I had been attending City Tech for quite a while. I used to be in the Radiologic Technology and Medical Imaging major before I switched to Computer Systems Technology. While my parents are Chinese, I was born and raised in Panama. Hence, I speak both Spanish and Chinese. Just like almost everybody else in this class, I am taking this class because it is a requirement I need to fulfill to graduate. I believe having strong writing skills is essential if you want to succeed. No matter what job you do, at some point you will need to have a concise and clear writing technique to be able to communicate professionally with people who work with you. I hope I can improve my writing skills throughout the length of this class.