Monthly Archives: April 2017

Kevin Bayolima Thoughts on Shallows Chapters

I found the readings interesting because it spoke about how the mind has adapted to technological advances and how we use technology for our personal benefit. It also touched upon different views on technology such as how we think we are in control of technology as well as how we know technology may overpass humans. The other chapter spoke of the internet and how it has changed our lives. It also discussed how the internet has made some things such as libraries change dynamically to fit the new technology trend.

The ShallowsChapters 3 and 5

I did not get to finish reading the chapters for today. I spent almost all night doing hw for my CST class and when I began to read, it was pretty late and I felt it just would not stick if I continued. I had planned to come in extra early so I could read before class but I did not get in early enough to do a substantial amount of reading. Now that I think about it maybe it was a bad idea to do hw that was due Sunday over reading for class today.

spring break (aftermath)

Spring break (aftermath)
Today, April 19, 2017 is the first day of class after spring break. It was not a very productive spring break but in the relaxing sector, it shined. I needed this time off to unwind a little bit because all the stress accumulated during the semester. This first day however, it’s like starting school all over again for me. So definitely I need a couple of days of to recover from spring break. But, then again, it’s almost a month to the end of the semester so that will boost my motivation level a bit.

post spring break

I have a nice spring break, I traveled to Italy. I visited three city – Rome, Venice and Florence. They are very difference than our New York City.  I have never travel aboard, This is my first time experience. I hope to travel difference countries every year.

Coming Back from Spring break

Having a wee off from school really helped me to relax and at least catch up on my sleep. Also, was able to get organized and make up some hours at work. I spent the weekend in Pennsylvania as part of a professional development retreat. It was fun and it helped me learn leadership and management skills and how to interact with different kinds of people.

Semester Remainder

I believe the last part of the semester is always the hardest. Having the time management to get all the group projects that CST classes love to assign done, having time to complete individual assignments and be able to go to work and give 100% is a little daunting. As much as I would like to be ahead of the curve in terms of getting assignments done I find it difficult to be able to think so many days ahead when I’m not even 100% certain what I have in store for the next day. SInce Tuesday and Thursday are my days off from work I try to tackle anything due immediately after those days when I am home from class and then if I have an opening shift on the weekend I’ll take a nap when I get home and then try to get some work done. Spring Break was nice in that I got to do absolutely no work for a week and was able to leave it for the two days before the break ended. Now that classes have resumed I am back on the routine of getting work done on Tuesday and Thursday and any day I have an opening shift on the weekend.

The Past Spring Break

I felt I did nothing in the past spring break without working. Working, working and working. Actually, I planned to have a vocation. But I did not act for it. Also I told me to practice coding everyday, I did not make it neither. Most of time I spent in working. That’s not what I want. However, I have to work for survive. The spring break is gone. And I will prepare for the final from now.

Spring Break

While in spring break, I tried to get most of the work done. Either for other classes or this one. At the same, I had to deal with the tax return and other stuff alike. Funny enough, during my spring break, I had many online project due so it wasn’t exactly a school free break. Furthermore, while trying to write the instructional manual, I found it difficult to write because I needed to break down the information in a understandable way. At some point, the essay didn’t look like a English essay instead, it looked like a manual for a technical service.

Back to School

I have already emailed my instructional manual assignment to the professor, so aside from it not being as perfect as I’d like it to be, I met the deadline! I am concerned about other courses I am currently taking, namely my Linux class where I have several assignments to make up, and I barely know how to code, nor do I like to code very much. I am concerned that I have to present in Technical Writing in a couple of weeks, I will have to present a scholarly article to the class, and I am not the best at speeches. I tend to “Ummmm…” a lot. But I will hopefully find an interesting article to talk about, so I can share with the group, and practice getting over my fear of public speaking. I am also concerned that our group doesn’t have a topic yet!!! I guess I shouldn’t be sharing that, but it is a concern of mine, and I don’t expect anyone to read this.

Jose Guerrero Coming Back From Break

Hello everyone,

During the break, I mostly caught up on work and made up some hours I had taken off for school. I was also able to catch up on some sleep that I had been missing. I celebrated easter with my family and now it’s back to school again. With about a month left in the semester, it is going to get very busy again. I hope I can get right back into it and get everything done that needs to get done. I know there will be a lot of work to do for school and I will have to put the time in to get everything done. Hopefully all goes well and this month will be over and it will be another semester over with.


Jose Guerrero