Monthly Archives: April 2017

back to back

Well I fell like it’s Deja Vu all over again. its ok for me because i actually get the feeling that i can do the same routine again and so far so good. I kind of over slept a little because I forgot to set my alarm up due of the back to back but mentally I am on a deja vu mode for the rest of the day so that great i know how to swing things around if things don’t go well.

The Shallows Chp 3

Reading chapter 3 of the shallows “Tools of The Mind”  was very interesting to learn about the chronological order of the development of different tools that today we consider to be an essential part of our daily life. Tools that were developed to expand our power and control over different situations, over time and distance. All created, with a common purpose; to facilitate a task at hand and be more efficient. Reading this chapter made me realized of the importance of the many tools that make our life easier and we take them for granted.

Human’s Desire,Human Being’s Technology and Man kind’s Future

Before I read the chapter 3 of shallow, I though it just an article about the history of technology that related to human being’s history. I was wrong, course I found more that hidden in the book. Long time ago, the ancient people just knew a little bit technology. Because of the desire of living materials, human’s culture and civilization were developed. More and more technologies were invented. And these technologies also pushed the development of human being’s society. Now, we developed AI technology. However, what will it do to our future?

to be decided

“To be decided”

This is the second day in a row writing on Open lab. What a joy. The topic for today is, “To Be Decided”. The weather is also very helpful in the mood sector. Anyway, today in class we are going to discuss an article named “The Shallows”. I wish I had done a preview to it but will do during the class.

Last night’s readings

Last night’s assignment was to read two chapters that had been uploaded to Google Drive for us. I had to go to work after class, so I took the opportunity to print the chapters there so I could start reading them on the bus ride home. Didn’t happen. The bus was unbearably crowded. Once I arrived home, I sat down and began reading, certainly after greeting my children, of course. But I fell asleep. Was awoken at 12 Mid by my daughter, who wanted to know if I had taken my medication. I hadn’t. So I preceded to do so. Made myself some coffee (Hail, Keurig!), and proceeded to read. The first chapter I read, “A Medium of The Most General Nature,” was about the creation of the computer and how it changed our lives.

The Shallows Reading

I thought that chapter 3 of the shallows was a very good educational read. The first few paragraphs of the chapter correlated the development of a child’s mind with their drawings/artwork into the origins of creating maps of the landscapes. A few more paragraphs of reading and it spoke about early middle aged technology for time keeping such as bell tolls from the clock tower. I was really intrigued by the reading when the writer brought up the term intellectual technologies.

Readings – The Shallows

While reading The Shallows – The Tools of the Mind, i find it to be a very interesting reading. First, the writer goes from the presenting very clearly the idea of how human develop through age. From drawing scribbles with crayons to drawing complex maps and so on. It is interesting the connection the author uses when depicting that in history, adult humans also did scribbles to draw maps either on rocks or the ground. Does this mean, in the contemporary society children are already doing what adults used to do in the past?

Anything I like

Having the same class two days in a row is a little foreign to me now. I haven’t been in high school since 2012 so being I am used to a different routine nowadays. I was so disorientated this morning that I broke my sacred rule, to never wear a black sweater and black sweat pants at the same time. I was so focused on making sure I was going to the right class that I grabbed the black sweater and black sweat pants that I VOWED TO NEVER WEAR TOGETHER. I did not really notice until I got on the train what I had done. I guess it is due to the fact that I am on autopilot when I wake in the morning and perform my morning routine. Any deviation from this routine and I will not be able to compute what is happening and have a completely delayed reaction such as this morning when I spilled my cup of juice while I was getting ready. I do not know how long I stood there examining the spill but I could not think of the solution to this in less than 20 seconds. I hope to plow through the rest of the semester with the determination I thought I had in the beginning of the semester but it’s mostly up to me to perform all the planning and time management before hand so that I have a smooth and productive April (which is almost over) and May.

Jose Guerrero Coming to School on Thursday

Dear class,

I was not excited about having school this Thursday, normally I do not have class. Having classes makes the day difficult with work, now i have to make up whatever I do not get done at work today on Saturday when I was not supposed to work. Nevertheless, I was able to work the schedule out which I am glad about because I was afraid I might have to miss my classes today, something I normally don’t mind but I did not want to miss anything important that might be discussed. I will try to take advantage of being here today and get the work done that I had planned to do over the weekend in school instead.


Jose Guerrero

Class 2 days in a row

Having back to back class sessions with the reading for today was a little difficult. I wasn’t able to complete the reading because of my work schedule yesterday. But from the reading of chapter ” Tools of the mind”, what i got so far from it is the way our minds are programmed to do things. Starting from drawing lines on paper to drawing on computers and designing. It shows the way we think and remember things from when we were younger.