Monthly Archives: April 2017

Reading and Internet

“The shallows” is really a interest book. In the chapter 5 of the book, the author summarized that reader’s action changed the world. For example. the newspaper companies. Also, because people can get information they want so easily and quickly. A lot of them did not need to read a paper book any more. And that also will be the reason why some newspapers were stopped working.

Group Project

I think our group are off to a great start working on the group project. We have chosen our topic and began some research. Meeting the required amount of words for each member shouldn’t be difficult. I’m looking forward on continuing work on this assignment.


I checked the calendar to begin planning when I need to get work done by to have it handed in on time and its all coming together. There is about 3 weeks of classes left and after that we are done with the spring semester. At the beginning of the semester I could not wait for this feeling of almost being done and then being done with the semester but now I wish I had more time. The reason I wish I had more time is just so that I can have enough time to get the assigned work from my classes done, get enough rest and be able to give 100% at work. With the remaining days in the semester I have to plan even the time I spend playing video games so that I can keep focus and get everything done on time. When I lay in bed I calculate the minutes of sleep I’ll get if I work on something the following day after getting in from work.

Group Work

When applying for jobs, I always include on my cover letters that I work well in groups, as well as independently, but I may be lying. Because in class, I really don’t like working in a group setting. You learn you have to deal with everyone else’s study habits. And you have to deal with their personal issues as well. When they don’t submit their work in a timely fashion, I feel I have to be a nudge, and I don’t like that role. Feels like I’m being a nagging mother, and I already have two children for that. I’m no saint. I can procrastinate at times, too. But for the most part, when it comes to group work, I prioritize, and get things done, because I don’t want to be the one dragging the group down. I mean really. How hard is it to research a bit, and gather some information, so we can move things along here? Why can’t you answer an email? These are rhetorical questions, because what I really want are results.

group project

Our final group project topic going to be alternative energy sources. It fits the criteria well since we can talk about fossil fuel energy depletion , its effect on the environment, as well as talk about solar, wind, nuclear power. we all agree and happy with this topic.

Weekend Assignments

All I pretty much did this weekend was school work and nothing else. I was finishing up an essay that i have due for today Monday April the 24th for my Hip Hop world view class. I was also continuing  a Java programming assignment that is due for Tuesday. I only read chapter 3 of the Shallows last week and took down notes for it, I however forgot to read chapter 5.

The Shallows

The Shallows was a very informative read. It discussed the concept of technologies, how they evolved and how they affect the way we process and carry out tasks. Essentially what it covers is how technologies shape our mind’s construct whether it aids in the development of how we think, or how it can take away or reduce our thinking or processing capacity. Technologies have certainly helped us to grasp abstract concepts and model it into our everyday lives.

El clasico

My weekend was good. I am a huge soccer fan and one of the most important games of the season for my favorite team happened over this weekend. FC Barcelona played Real Madrid in an exciting game that had a lot of drama and last minute heroics. The score was 3 – 2 in favor of Barcelona, the team I support. The best player in the world, Lionel Messi, played one of his best games this season. A late strike gave us the lead in the last minutes of the game.

Life happens and then you wonder why …

Children as beautiful as they can be are viral terrorists. The attack you at any moment and usually in a public setting. My children are my lovely pains in the ass, they distract me, command my attention constantly and require food, shelter and clothing. And you know what they are also therapists, motivators and the best moments of each day in my life.