Monthly Archives: April 2017

Summer, where are you?

As the semester is coming to an end, I can’t help to notice the amount of work I have to complete in the coming weeks. Most of the classes this semester are writing based and requires lots of writing. I think i’m now into survival mood as the pressure builds. Full time school full time work is no joke. I’ve been doing it for 4 years and I can’t wait to get some vacation time.  Summer, where are you ??

Final Essay Group Work

Although for last class i couldn’t make it due to serious train problems, from the previous class we already decided on the topic we are going to write about. In a sense, I believe we got a strong topic to talk about as Energy has always been a central point of interest in modern society. We divided the work between us and each of us will will address a different type of energy source. For instance, I will be covering Wind Power. I will be addressing the strong good points and the weak bad points of Wind Energy. All in all, I feel it gonna turn out to be a great paper since 4 heads is better than one.

Group Project

Even though not very enthusiastic   about doing group projects, this time seems that my group is on the right track. The topic selection was chosen  very easily and unanimous agreement from everyone. Also, I the team leader and my job was to distribute the work, which also was a flawless process. I just hope that my group is as excited as I am to see the outcome of this project .

Group Project

Our group project is going well, I have found that our group works together nicely and efficiently. We already have a topic which I believe to be a good one that is very appropriate with what is currently going on around us. It also provides enough information to create 4000-6000 words of content.

Kevin Bayolima Thoughts

I have started looking up my part of the group project. So far i have only researched how fossil fuels have had a negative impact on the environment. However i also need to focus on the history behind our use of this energy source. Overall everything i find is interesting but now i have to condense it all into 1000 to 1500 words.

The Shallows Reading

Reading the chapter five of the shallows, was very educational. The author writes about the origin and development of the computer. It all started as imaginary computing device to what we know today as the one device that does it i all. Little by little the computer has replaced many other devices such as ; the calculator, typewriter, telephone, libraries. Helping us to be more proficient and productive but at the same time it also creates many distractions. The author mentions that today people read more that in the past because they always have a screen in front of them but they are unable to do long readings because all the distractions jumping from one reading to another.

3 hours of sleep and 5 more classes to go

To say taking 6 classes this semester all on the same day is a bad idea is an understatement. At this point my bed has become a thing of a myth to me. I question if it even exist when I get home. When I’m not battling my curiosity to research random topics that just happen to pop up in my head I’m sleeping in some unknown part of the house. Three weeks of school left and I can’t wait. To conclude I am never taking 6 classes again.

At this point

How do we mentally get into class when the day has just begun and yet (at least me) would rather it be coming to an end. I am mentally tired. I have no energy to think or the want to think. And after all my toddler complaining all the assignments and due dates will all be waiting for me like a parent waiting for their child to stop their tantrum, only there is no treat to make it happen quicker. Oy vey I need a break!

Jose Guerrero

Dear class,

I spent most of the time I had researching my group work this weekend and this like I have always said it is my least favorite part. Looking through boring articles and trying to find information that will work for your own topic is always a challenge. I found myself asking many questions and still questioning if the topic I was looking at is worth doing or a good topic. There is a lot of information so I will continue to go through it and see what is best to use.

Jose Guerrero

April 24, 2017

Today is a special day because in exactly one month this semester will end. However, this last month is looking to be very “long”. There are many project we have to start and finish, many presentations to present and many finals to do. In this class we have to do a projects about …… . That’s the problem, we haven’t come up with one definite topic yet, but we came up with three. And the deadline to come up with “one” is today.
Will get there.